May I make a few suggestions for the players on here?

3236 posts Member
1 - We still have no official word from EA / CG about anything right now. I expect communication coming today or Friday. I know it sucks, but take a deep breath. If you're on the fence about staying or leaving, stay on the fence for NOW. If your wallet is closed, keep it that way for NOW. But for now, let's ease up a bit on bashing CG. There are 3 levels above them. One holds the licensing agreement for the other two BIGGER companies involved (here's a hint: They're on the splash screen when you start the game) and they are VERY careful, picky and particular about their intellectual property and who they distribute an official license to. Please trust me on knowing a bit about licensing. Those two companies can say yay or nay to ANYTHING they desire and everyone else has to follow rank and file.

2 - Hoard EVERYTHING if you're going F2P or are already there. Stock up crystals, stock up credits, minimal 100 Cantina refresh and 50 / 50 regular to meet the guild requirements, Omega mats, purple mats, etc. etc. We have zero idea what's going happen in the next few days.

3 - No matter which side of the fence you're on with mods, let's stop the infighting with each other. We all genuinely want the same thing and that's a great game. I'll do my part in that as well.

I'll leave at that. +1 / Flame me / whatever. It's a dark time in the universe right now....
Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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