(GW) Why....

Why does every Galactic War have to end the last node with Ben (leader), QGJ, GS, RG and Rey all maxed out level 80? I have to usually use 2 teams just to kill Rey before I can even consider getting at the others. They pretty much kill 1 member a turn and a lot of times they take a few turns before I get my first turn. I spend 3-4 hours a night just trying to get the last node done with 4 teams (more if you count the 2 level 1 teams I throw just to get the opposing teams specials out of the way so I have a chance). I have to start and stop the game about 40 times just to get Rey down and then maybe another 20 just to get the rest down. Why can't GW be faster? Why can't it be a little easier? OR prohibit certain team make ups so we aren't constantly pulling our hair out. It's so frustrating I'm giving up on GW and since its the main way I make credits in game it means my time playing it is going to be less and since I'm so frustrated I'm definitely not going to spend money on it. I have no incentive if I can't complete the one thing giving me enjoyment until the last 4 nodes.

I know the devs and whoever else is responsible for this probably won't even read this, or care. I'm just another drop in the bucket of unhappy people with GW's and unsatisfied with the game. But I need to vent my opinion because I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.
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