GW is impossible

21 posts Member
I know the devs said it is supposed to be challenging and that we are not supposed to be able to finish it everyday but are we never supposed to be able to finish it ever again?

2 days ago I couldn't beat node 12, yesterday I couldn't get past node 9, today it's looking like I won't beat node 6.

I have no problem with a challenge but there's a difference between challenging and impossible.

Right now I will literally never beat GW again until I have at least 40 level 80 gear 11 fully modded characters. Since I'm free to play it will be years before I have that.


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    Nodes 6, 9 and 11 appear to be the toughest ones, and 12 is tough if you aren't yet in the upper echelons of power. A lot of us get joke nodes for 12 instead. What's your roster like? Who is in your primary GW team? Many players find it challenging but are able to complete it just the same, even if they are F2P. It could be an issue with the characters you bring in.

    You don't need that many maxed out characters to beat GW, seriously. I've gotten by with 8-10 strong characters, which is acceptable considering you aren't expected to beat GW with one team.

    You say it's been just a few days. It does get better. You'll get stronger. Good luck.
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    Now i feel accomplished today. I managed to do the impossible.
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    I stop at 6 regardless of whether I can get past.
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    Today is the first time I didn't do it. I got very mad and just restarted. And you know what I lost to? Droids which is ironic since I use droids. But they all had speed mods! Thanks devs! Am about to uninstall this as its just another thing that makes me angry rather than happy.if this didn't have star wars this game would be in the gutter.
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    Got smoked on node 9. Fully modded team minus one. That's 29 5dot. Level 15. Type A. One was an A 1dot. Hk 88 86 je b2. I'm 60-70 in arena with A team. Couldn't get anywhere. Freakin node 9. Lol. CG better get their crap together soon. I by the way haven't level up my mods at all. Level 1 or 2. So matchmaking is screwed because the mods aren't adjusting power levels appropriately.
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