1 for 30 shard drop in cantina

Trying to work on bariss. Title says it all. Feel like giving up.


  • YubNub81
    148 posts Member
    Did you muliti-sim? If so, try just doing one sim at a time.

    (I can't prove it with hard numbers, and others will disagree, but I'm convinced that I get FAR less shard drops when I multi-sim vs either a single sim or better yet, auto battling through the actual fight. I auto battle through all the Cantina 1-E battles and get WAY more Lando shards than when I multi-sim)
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    I agree, I stopped "multi sim" and drop rates seem to be back to normal... So still not great but better.
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    First I tried 10 auto-sims. Got one shard.
    Then various attempts at 3 or 1 at a time for a total of 30 sims.
    1 shard
    Sad face....
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    I've gotten 5 out of 12 multi sim on Chirpa, then I got 1 out of 12 the next day. Thats RNG for you. But overall, single sim or multi sim, shards have been hard to come by in Cantina/LS/DS. Feels like a stealth nerf hiding behind "Oh its just RNG, you are just paranoid".
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    I've had those days. Also had days when I got 9/10 shards
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