Still more fixes needed

108 posts Member
Given that SWGOH has lost about 30% of its revenue in a single week, I think its clear that the minor fixes that have been done so far may have slowed the bleeding but not stopped it. So here is what I would suggest (pick any of the options, but at least 1 from each)

(1) make cantina energy refresh the same as normal energy as there is now twice as much to spend cantina energy on (supported by 98% of all players according to a recent poll), the other option would be to revert the mod drop rate back to 100%.

(2) give a one time credit payment to all players and/or increase GW credits more (something about 6M) this would allow all players to have the credits to have 5* rarity mods on their arena team. While new players will have the extra credits from GW before they get access to mods, it will take a while for some more high lvl players to get enough credits to mod up all the way otherwise. Other option would be to revert the increase in credit leveling costs for mods.
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