Are Advantage and Foresight bugged?

Here's what's happening not sure if this a bug or supposed to work like this.
Foresight - buff is active but debuffs from Sun Frac and B2 seem to hit regardless. Is that normal?
Advantage -Anakin now grants Advantage to allies whenever they are evaded. Is advantage supposed to go away when they just dodge again? Shouldn't it just re-cast ?


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    B2 removes foresight prior to attacking. He inflicts immunity buff before he hits, removing foresight, taunt, or any other buffs. It's in his ability description.
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    As for sun fac removing it, I'm assuming you mean his taunt. His taunt actually counts as an attack as well. It inflicts offense down and tm reduction on a target. I use phasma lead and occasionally I'll get an assist attack when he taunts.
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    Yeah i looked at the B2 description more carefully. It makes sense he does it.
    Sun Frac is doing the critical down defuff and attacking through foresight whenever he attacks out of turn. Kinda like his description but isn't him doing damage wrong and shouldn't the defuff be able to be resisted? Is that the perk of sun frac you can't resist the debuff ? Does apply it to the rancor with 100% potency vs resistance?
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    When you say attacking out of turn, do you mean countering? When he counters, it will remove the foresight, but not land any damage. It will add the crit down also, but not quite sure why. I had noticed there are times when he counters, the enemy will dodge, but will still receive crit down.
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    Hello, let me ask about foresight. Is it normal that a character evades all assist attacks as well?
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