Help with mods

Can someone help me get the best idea for what I should be concentrating on as the 'key' for each toons via mod allocation.

For instance:

Rey - Speed
Admiral Ackbar - Tenacity
Teebo - Potency

Poggle -
Phasma -
Lumi -
Talia -
Barris -
Daka -
Yoda -
Greedo -
G Soldier -
G Spy -
Dooku -
Sid -
Chewie -
Nute -
Asajj -
Lando -
RP -
Poe -
E Elder -
Chirpa -
Dathcha -
Nebit -
Jawa Scav -
Jawa -
Jawa Engineer
Fives -
Rex -
Dengar -
Ayala -
Finn -
Cody -
Echo -
Sun Fac -

Sorry about the long list (its not even all the toons!)

I know there will be ones where a combo is best but in the main I'm trying to get help with the ONE to concentrate on
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