Will QGJ fit as #5 in my droid team?Will He???

145 posts Member
I have really been wanting to try this. I run a near maxed out droid team consisting of:
1. HK (L)
2. 88
3. 86
4. JE
5. And usually 100.
First off, I don't like B2. I have him maxed on an alt acct, and despite his usefulness, have decided to remove him from this accounts droid team. Next, 100 is a monster. With him @ max gear & *, crit dam, speed,5* mods, he is truly the best pick for #5 spot IMO. Unfortunately, he is who I've chosen to sub. OK, my JE has 211 speed, so with 3 droids + himself, he's at 251. That alone is enough reason to have decided having spot #5 doesn't have to be a droid at this point. Sooo, QGJ. Everyone knows why he is a top 3 toon. I am looking for opinions on how this would work. I have my own opinion, and think it would be somewhat successful.


  • Options
    Ig100 is extremely underrated. But if you want someone else I'd go for Chief nebit.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I get your point about not needing another droid, but why break up the synergy?

    Especially if you have 100 ready to go. He's a great addition. Maybe jawa if you have him that would at least keep the full usefulness of JE there. Poggle would again play into the rest of the team, but not as well.

    Nothing against QGJ, I just don't see the pointment in an odd toon for the sake of having an odd toon. There are too many pieces that actually fit into the puzzle you have.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    QGJ works pretty well, IMO. I used him on my droid team for about 5 weeks, holding around 20 on a feb server.

    QGJ is there for offense and detaunt. Any assist attacker is welcome on an HK droid team. QGJ is a great assist caller, with fast recovery and plus 75% offense on assister, which if a droid will have a chance to gain 50% TM.

    That said, I was using him in place of JE, not magna. I will still occasionally pull JE, if I need to beat a Rex lead with SunFac and RG. And so far QGJ is the main goto for a replacement.

    The other droid teams on my server use your suggested lineup, and they do fine.
    145 posts Member
    I rank top 3 everyday in arena with my original squad. The sole purpose for adding QGJ is his debuff+ off up. My droids hit really hard with off up. And as far as rendering JE's synergy, I don't think it would. He is at 251 speed without #5 being a droid.
    145 posts Member
    And the rest of my team is speed modded up so Ive honestly thought about replacing JE as well.
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    I don't run a droid team but face many of them. The ones that give the most trouble are the ones keeping synergy. JE +4 droids or JE, Nebit +3 droids.
    I have seen someone throw sth, RG, Rey etc in there just doesn't seem to give as much trouble.

    I am sure those teams work great on offense because they make it to the top ranks, not that I really believe in defense, but I think full synergy will make more people avoid you.
    145 posts Member
    I'm inclined to agree with you @scuba
  • Tavanh
    523 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    OP, two of my guildmates hit rank 1 with the very same team you are asking about. They say IG-100 is a underrated beast.
  • Faff2D2
    253 posts Member
    I don't have B2 as an option so I've tried several as my fifth but I've settled for QGJ as my guy for the last month or so. Sometimes you need the dispel and offense up with all the Hans and sun facs. If facing droids, I move my 5th to Jawa. There's not a team on my shard that gives me consistent trouble offensively.

    I will say, I drop rank much more than the other droid teams on my shard that have B2.
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