
86 posts Member
Does anyone have a high lvl/gear greedo?

Im curious how well he does if anyone knows


  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    He should be high up the rework list. But I use him for my scoundrel team, give him all crit hit change mods and he will do fine manually. But imho he is not really worth investing in. Getting him to gear 10 is just CRAZY. 200x Mk 6 Chiewab Hypo Syringe, 250 Mk 3 Czerka Stun Cuffs and 50x Mk 5 A/KT Stun Gun is just INSANE.
  • Egor
    86 posts Member
    Lol i hadnt looked at his gear requirements.... seeing that welll yeeeaaahh ill be picking a different scoundrel i think lol

    So nute.... lol looks like he sucks but definitly cheaper
  • Egor
    86 posts Member
    Actually no.... chewie, cad, lando, dengar, and han could have potential.... han will take awhile though

    Dengars tenacity down has me curious of the possibilities... i liked greedos extra attack.. thats why i liked the looks of him
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