Guild seeking merger or join with larger guild (15 solid T5 Raiders)

10 posts Member
Hi All,

We are a guild that broke away from one with an inactive leader but have struggled to get our numbers up. Therefore we are looking to to merge or join another guild.

About us:
- We have 15 members... 10 at level 80, 1 at level 79, 1 at level 60, 3 below 50
- We are all quite active and get above 500/600 most days
- We complete a T5 in 2 refreshes and a T6 in 10 days
- We are an international guild (UK, US, maybe others)
- We are friendly and active on the in-game chat but don't use 3rd party apps for guild organisation
- We believe the game should be primarily fun

We are looking for:
- A guild that would be 30+ members strong after we have joined or merged
- A guild either already doing T6 raids or looking for a boost to help them jump up from T5 to T6

That's pretty much it. Send me a message if you're interested.


  • Options
    I also started a new guild and we left an inactive leader. We have 20 strong and active members. All level 80 except for a few that are 74-80.

    My player name and ID are: Bones 981-314-998
    Guild name: The Skeleton Crew
  • Ahdehl
    21 posts Member
    If you guys would rather run t7, I have a group of players that could come over and help clear the raid. We would ensure that all guild members get an attack in to ensure that they receive rewards, and then kill the Rancor. Coming in last place in t7 has better rewards than finishing first in t5. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in let me know :)
  • Options
    Jedy Council is looking for about 15 people. We are mostly level 80, very active doing T6 raids, needing a few more folks to get into T7 raids. If you are still looking, we would be happy to have you. We are all friendly and donate as much as we can. If peeps need a break or go on vacation, no big deal as we all have lives but we enjoy playing. PM me if you're interested.
  • Options
    Do you guys still need people? We are looking to partner with another guild and make a solid T6-T7 guild and a second for lower Tier raids to boost the lower members up.
  • Scott_Skyninja
    8 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    If any of the posters here would like to merge with a strong, active guild, please conside joining us at British Empire Strikes Back. We are also a breakaway guild, our 20 members constitute 90% of the strength from our parent guild, which we left due to inactive leadership.

    Ally code 615-913-459 is our recruitment officer Hobnob.

    The 20 of us clear t6 easily, and we want people who can help us move up to t7.

    We use Line for communication.
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