Jedy council is recruiting

We are starting level 7 Rancor and are in need of 15 players. With the small number we have, we got to phase 4 pretty quickly but didn't have enough players to finish. Most of us are pretty active and we are looking for others to help get those Han Solo shards. Come a join an active guild for quick raids and lots of loot!


  • Ahdehl
    21 posts Member
    I have a group of players that would be happy to help you guys out to finish off t7s. PM me if this sounds like something you'd be interested in :)
  • Options
    Still looking for more peeps. Come join the fun.
  • Options
    My group would also be able to help you finish T7s. If ahdehl doesn't work out give me a call or even better, we can work together and make the raid incredibly smooth for all parties. PM me if you would like to do this. Cheers mate!
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