European guild 30-40 Players / PhoenixRebels tier 7 raid searching for merge

Hey everyone!

We are mostly European guild with mature, friendly and active members. We are continuously doing tier 7 raids.
At the moment we are about 30 active members and still searching for more members to join our guild: PhoenixRebels!!
We aim for active members with 10 7* star members and level 80.

We don't expect that members spend too much crystals for the guild activities like hard mode etc. since we are f2p players.

We offer:

- T7 raiding at 9 PM CEST (GMT+2) three times a week and weekdays only
- Raiding is a mix of 1 hit and ffa
- discussions on the game and the updates via discord

We want people that are active and can contribute towards raiding and guild activities. We have no minimal contribution and minimal requirements installed. We are primarily CEST (GMT+2) members but are open to any other timezone.

feel free to add me in Discord sven#0711 or send me a message :)
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