Improved AI?

14 posts Member
Today enemy is kill healer first and correctly
Attacked low health charater.

Anyways..My auto player healer is not heal
When just one charater yellow bar.
Healer is not heal..Just attacked enemy.

3~5 time same pattern.

Is it normal?


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    it appears that healers don't have a "trigger" to use their heal. I've had a healer use an attack when a character was in the red.
  • kei24
    14 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    @Gank_Killer Not just red. I tested new one..but also attacked to healer first..
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    That last node is hell to take out especially if you have any healer on your team you will be taken out to the dumps. The thing is the AI in the game always knows what moves you are going to use especially when they are going to use those ability blocks and stuns which are used 100% of the time. Good luck by passing those teams, all I can say is use your mediocre characters to maybe weaken the team and see if your best guys can take out at least up to three or so and hoping you can take out the best guy as well. Then next it will be an easy road to clearing them out. Just a little tidbit there and always try to use that Retreat button it can be your friend in the end
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