Guild merge

Is there any guild with ~20 players willing to merge with ours?
We are ~30 and we are playing casual active.
Raid Tier 5 now, but we'll be able to move on 6th if we merge.
my ally code is 984-433-165


  • Options
    Just sent you a guild invite to Zannah's Zealots. I just formed it from the core go of our old guild. I was the only officer left active and the leader bailed. I invited about 26 from that guild. Still waiting on everyone to accept, but so far 18 have. We were doing T5 and T4 raids before. Is like to add strength and builds from there.
  • Rom
    5 posts Member
    My guild MUTINY FORCE has space for 27 members. Our guild was formed after we left due to inactive leadership. Our core is made up of mostly players mostly lvl 70s and some lower level members. We are doing t5 raid next. Join us!

    Guild name: MUTINY FORCE
    My Ally Code: 924-558-654

  • Options
    My guild is also in the same situation. We currently have 23 members and would be willing to merge with another guild. We have been doing T5 & T6 raids. Most of our players are level 80 and we do have a few that are working their way up.

    Guild - Sarlacc Pit Survivors
    Ally code - 513-757-894
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    I have 8 spots open if anyone wants to jump ships. Doing tier 6 raids
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    Message me your leader doesn't have to know I'll have a home for you
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    The line walkers are looking for active players we are a laid back guild just starting out need players to help grow if interested look us up in game or message me here look forward to working with you on the game
  • DuncanIdaho
    7 posts Member
    edited August 2016
  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    We are a guild of 23, just started this week having had an inactive leader, we can turn over a t6 in between 1 reset and 2 on a bad run, merger would suit us. I guess it's always the case of who wants to merge into who's guild :smile:
  • Options
    It sounds like a lot of guild are in a similar situation. Mandaloriann BBQ is looking for 20+ new members. We are currently doing T4 raids and are ready to move up to T5. If anyone is in a small guild that wants to stay together but willing to join ours, we would love to have you.
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