New characters - Question

57 posts Member
edited August 2016

When will characters such as jedi Luke, chewbacca, emperor Palpetine be released?

Is there any confirmation that they will be in the future? You can fight them in the differs battles against AI, so I'm assuming they will?

They are all massive characters that aren't available and I'm just curious when they will be
Train Yourself To Let Go Of Everything You Fear To Lose - Yoda.
Post edited by BentWookiee on


  • Radonis
    504 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Sometime within the next year i am guessing. But i bet the hardest thing is getting them just right for balancing. Cant make the OP cause people will RAGE and cant make them to Weak cause then people will complain about Iconic characters being weak. Also they have to be unique in the their skill set as Jedi luke has the same skill as old ben with the mind tricks in the movies. Emporer Palp. has lighting like Dooku so it has to be different somehow. Once they figure those out they will release them as a raid reward or as Pay toons.
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    They must be soon
    They've added the proper Han character , which seems like il never unlock lol

    Really wanting jedi Luke for my jedi team though
    Train Yourself To Let Go Of Everything You Fear To Lose - Yoda.
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    Palp could have a special that makes one enemy attack another. Like how he got Anakin to turn on Mace. Like, deal special damage (psychic/mental self-doubt and inner hatred) to one character, and then that character uses their basic attack on one of their allies. Although, I guess that would make more sense for Darth Sidious than the Emperor given it's inspired by the prequels.
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    Next characters--

    Boss Nass
    Nien Nunb

    Boom. All game changers. Nunb will be the new meta, replacing Rey. Synergy with the 'stache. Everyone will be racing to the Cantina Shop and dumping money into more crystals for him.

    You just wait.
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    Watto's special makes him immune to Old Ben's mind tricks. Old Ben leader ability gets rebalanced to 'leaves an old rag behind when defeated'. Darth Vader able to collect this and sniff it as a trophy. Jedi Anakin adjusted again to make him as tolerable as Hayden Christiansensensenssen; vanishes from meta.

    Clone Sergeant turns out to have been Jar Jar Binks all along.

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    When it comes to Palatine I hope never. His kit is meh. Lighting and offense up meh. If it is all offense up people will cry OP, if just empire than he is limited. He would need to be reworked from the PvE enemy without boss/elite 100k health he is garbage.
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    Palp could have a special that makes one enemy attack another. Like how he got Anakin to turn on Mace. Like, deal special damage (psychic/mental self-doubt and inner hatred) to one character, and then that character uses their basic attack on one of their allies. Although, I guess that would make more sense for Darth Sidious than the Emperor given it's inspired by the prequels.

    That would be baller.
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    Chewbacca is released. I can't see how he could change much between CW rebel and vii.
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    When it comes to Palatine I hope never. His kit is meh. Lighting and offense up meh. If it is all offense up people will cry OP, if just empire than he is limited. He would need to be reworked from the PvE enemy without boss/elite 100k health he is garbage.

    The original B2 AI missions enemy character was (still is? Can't confirm) almost completely different, kit-wise, than the playable B2 that was released earlier this year.

    So what you're saying they'd need to do is already what they'd certainly do.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited August 2016
    Chewbacca is released. I can't see how he could change much between CW rebel and vii.

    Different tag. BOOM, game changer.....haha

    Could add a move where he pulls someone's arm out of the socket when he is defeated.
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