Synergy listed

So this is supposed to list a few -all synergys existing so pls dont spam comments about how nessesary or useful this threat is

Write down each synergys out there that exist and would work pls.


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    Droid synergy:

    Hk lead gives 50% tm to all droids whenever they crit.
    This synergizes with: ig88,ig86,general grevous,ig100,
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    Another example:

    Old ben and resistance pilot
    Old ben gives evasion up and 30%tm to everybody who evades.
    Also resistance trooper gains turn meter when evading which is now a total of 55% tm for evading an attack
  • Zombie961
    1819 posts Member
    Poe and every resistance memeber excluding Rey, he gives potency up and they all have an attack that can expose Enimes
    All first order excluding Kylo, phasma can grant advantage easy and her leader gives order 40% to call an assist as opposed to 20, stormtrooper and phasma gets guaranteed defence down on a crit, FOTP has 90% to attack again on his basic and inflict offense down on a crot and health down with advantage in his special and officer's basic will be a crit if any ally has advantage
    Ahoska's leader effects nightsisters...for some reason
    Evasion leaders and characters with the "gain X amount of evasion for each living *type* ally and gain Y% turn meter on a dodge" only ones I know off the top my head are Jawa and poggle
    General Grevoius' forcing an ally to taunt when he falls below 50% healt and fives with his insane health, counter chance, and attacks
    Phasma lead giving random assist with echo's unique which allows him to random ally assist when allies use basics or potentially chirpa's lead which would give him 10% turn meter and 5% more damage
    Phasma lead for assists rest clones, give advantages, Cody uses 212th attack, all attacks are crits which is guaranteed reduction of cooldown by 5, echo is pretty much guaranteed to assist which could potentially be a crit, plus with her as leader 20% of an assist for 6 attacks one of them including her which would make it 40% on her attack essentially guaranteeing 7 hits on a single target
    Darth Vader can do abilty block, 3 DoTs, and a speed down and HK has a 25% (50 against Jedi) each to do 5 debuffs combined with tusken shamans heal effect of "plus an additional 10% for each enemy suffering a negative status effect" additionally this could be combined with Ig88's plus 20% damage for each enemy suffering a negative status effect" giving him double damage
    U'rrR'r'r gaining offense up for 4 turns whenever an enemy is stunned combined with anyone who stuns such as royal gaurd, or Daka
    Leia gives rebels 20% crit chance, combined with her high chance of giving crit chance (which I believed is 25%) up combined with Han solo's "gain turn meter equal to han's crit chance" and his unique giving him 10% for a total of 55% on top of his base chance
    One thay involves the enemy is killing an old Ben then using yoda's steal positive effects, geo spies "deal 40% more damage for each positive effect" or or asajj's "for each positive effect dispelled asajj gains 9% of her Max health"
    Any taunting character combined with B2's unqie so he will go insanely often (combine with the grevious + fives one earlier in the list)
    Characters that can expose (mainly resistance) + Rex's subdue dealing 25% of targets max health so get rid of 45% on top of base damage
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    Are there more?
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