Clarification on offense and defense percentages versus pure number

Have we ever gotten clarification on how these stats affect damage output and armor? When I'm looking at secondary stats on mods I'm never sure whether to go after percentages or pure plus some number when it comes to defense and offense. It's much clearer for protection and health because there's no translation step between mod stat and useful stat.

Thanks in advance for any clarification!
Officer in BDB, a "casual but competitive" guild that has Rancor and HAAT on farm, gets 37* in LS TB, and kicks butt in TW. PM if interested in joining!


  • Options
    Napkin maths puts it at 1 point = 0.1175% for physical damage:

    Physical damage = Base x (1 + (((Offence % + (0.1175 x Offence Number))/100))) or near as dammit from reverse engineering.

    There seems to be 2 different sets of modifiers for armour and resistance, or resistance is compounded on top of armour somehow.... still working on that...

    Have not looked at Special Damage yet
  • scuba
    14176 posts Member
    It is all character dependent.
    Chewbacca 11.75% and +21 is about the same added armor amount of 2.25%
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