Please Nerf Droids

Droids need to be nerfed asap to stop people from finishing Galactic War. I am tired of people saying that GW is easy because they have droid teams. This needs to stop. i dont want to collect a droid team. Please end this unfair advantage.


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    Oooohwee. I run 0 droids. I complete GW daily. Nerf all the toons I use too, please?
  • EchoAlphaFail
    46 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    great idea. kindly list your gw toons for further examination. And this is no sarcasm or joke. I really do mean it.
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    Man, you look upset...grab a cup of tea.
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    Droids got nerfed :'( today i had to use a second Team for GW.
  • Cor
    124 posts Member
    Yeah, nerf droids because @EchoAlphaFail does not want to farm them. Why not nerf all the toons but yours, because you do not want to farm them as well? Seems this is your definition of unfair advantage....
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    im really quite content. im just trying to level the playing field. i honestly think 1 of 2 things need to happen.

    1) nerf OP toons for GW
    2) make GW harder

    I would be perfectly fine wither either one.

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    Oooohwee. Well I got the "Let's just go mess stuff up" team which is Phasma, Rey, Aayla, Fives, and FOTP. I have a "Boom goes the dynamite" team which is Nute, greedo, zam, mob enforcer, and a tank (usually sth). I have the "furry critter" team which is chirpa, teebo, ee, e-scout, and chewie. I could keep listing all of my ridiculous teams or you could just stop wasting time here crying. Just sayin.
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    GW should at best be only beatable once every couple weeks or maybe once a month. it should be that hard. anything else is unacceptable.
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    you guys are thinking outside the box. although i suspect some of you are being sarcastic. im being serious.
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    I'm serious too.

    I had to use a second team today.

    HK (L) 7*, JE 7*, 88 7*, 86 7*, Nebit 6* all LVL 80 Max Gear
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    Pff.. If u want to progress .. Do what u can.. Since ive got droids i am able to finish gw with just this 1 team. I totally finished 50 gw at all so .. Wait with nervs untill i finished the **** archivement. Imo gw should be way harder and much better rewarded.. Maybe 10 opponents and normal players should be able to finish a total of 3 .. And each battle gives 250k .. That should be the way for gw
  • Dartdefender
    8 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Here's the thing. It is all about synergy and strategy. Droids are just easy to get and fun to play. I could do mine without them easy. But put HK47 IG88 IG86 Nebit and JE together and you have my dream team. I sub IG100 on for the first 9 fights for JE anyway.
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    some of you are clearly angered by my suggestion. i am sorry but i think to get that last 400 guild coins, it should ALMOST, BUT NOT QUITE impossible. I really think that will improve the balance of the game quite nicely.
  • rawman
    685 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    How does nerfing a good synergizing character class for GW anything for overall game balance? There are plenty other options to win GW. I do it everyday and I don't even use a droid for that.
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    EA, if you are listening, the responses to this thread clearly indicate my idea is the only possible route. Please consider it.
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    EA, if you are listening, the responses to this thread clearly indicate my idea is the only possible route. Please consider it.

    EA, if you are listening, pls close this thread and ban OP from ever posting stuff on your forums ever again, thanks!
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    I finish GW easily with one 6 or 7 toons (none dying) on my sons account... I really truly don't know what on earth everyone that can't finish is doing but I have to think your strategy is just bad... droids are fine. GW is fine.... nothing to see here.
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    Oooohwee. Obvious troll is obvious. I mean, his name is EchoAlphaFail... E A FAIL.
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    Oooohwee. Obvious troll is obvious. I mean, his name is EchoAlphaFail... E A FAIL.

    Not trolling. deadly serious. and ea has failed to maintain balance. fixing gw to make node 12 99% impossible is logical and sound. right now, it is comically easy and needs to be dealt with. anything other than that IS A FAIL.
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    The balance in this game is particularly terrible and Droids are just one example of characters that are completely out of whack in terms of fair play. They do need a nerf as they do far too much damage.
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