Foresight Bug against multiple counters

Noticed today that yoda with foresight will dodge any initial counters against him. As such:

Enemy yoda attacks and gains foresight.
Next turn enemy yoda uses AoE.
Aayla, fives, and kit all counter, aayla calls qgj to assist. All attacks are dodged.

I chocked this up to potentially bad rng. So I let yoda do it again.

Second time around, aayla, fives and kit counter without an assisting toon. All attacks are dodged, but kit gets his bonus attack and that lands.

I tried it a third time, really letting my team get hammered to test this. Yoda used AoE, kit and aayla counter, both dodged, kits bonus attack lands.

My conclusion: foresight is reading all the counters as 1 attack rather than individual attacks. I don't have a way to test and see if it is just yoda, or if it is foresight in general, because I know of no other toons who can get foresight and have AoE.

I'm open to anyone else testing this and seeing if they get a similar result.
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