Speed up and simplify mod upgrade please!

Upgrading mods is a very inefficient process.
1) There is a delay for all the pretty animation. I don't want animation. I want my mod upgraded, as simple and as fast as possible. Just like when I acquire a new gear. Equip - done.
2) Annoying dialog in the end when using x10 speed upgrade, warning the user that an overspending will happen. I kinda doubt anybody wants to overspend. Why not simply take as much as needed and disable/grey the button without asking?
It's almost like when you paying $5 for a can of coke. Does it ever happens that cashier asks you "Oh, coke is only $1.99, you're giving me $5, would you like your change?" Of course I want my bloody change, why are you even asking?
3) And, frankly, I think I think a "Max out" button is missing. It may contain the number of credits it will use, but in my world I really want to do just that - max the mod out. x10 is great, but I would really like it to be done faster.
So, pretty please, with the sugar on top - can we simplify this?
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