Something Seems Off...

So after being unable to finish the last node in GW for a third night I decided to check out my enemy team. I noticed their IG-86 only has 3 mods, 1 of which is at level 1 and the other 2 at level 15. His mods give:

Level 1
0.25% offense

Level 15
2% health
493 protection
1.05% protection
1.19 tenacity
0.6% defense

Level 15
8% protection
18 offense
3 defense
219 helth
0.68% crit chance

They are all defense mods so he gains an additional 5% defense. Based on this, he should be gaining roughly 9.05% protection and another 493 flat protection? Yet somehow his protection is 9460 (and health is 12721). Meanwhile my IG-86 has 11798 health and 2421 protection. That is with 102 from a mod, 0.82%,, another 1.28%, another 1.54%, and finally 1.18% (4.82% total, 102 flat). I also have 380 health, 177 health, 0.43% health, and 0.71% health.

So how exactly is his protection 4X greater than mine when his protection % is only 4.23% higher? I'm showing my base protection as 2421. With the 102 flat increase and the 4.24% I am only gaining 365. He is somehow gaining 1237 though, and his protection is nearly triple mine. Surely a few gear levels isn't making this big of a difference? Both are level 80, 7*.


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