games ruined....

422 posts Member
edited January 2016
Because I can't effortlessly win everything always. The enemies in gw have a chance to win now and that's not fun or fair. The enemies should start with all abilities on cool down with all my people fully ready all the time and anytime the enemy buffs or taunts or debuffs I should be able to just make it go away at will.

They expect me to adapt and use strategy instead of just denying the other team the ability to do anything through manipulation of a system, it's like I'm playing a game with risks and rewards instead of just being given all of everything.

To make things worse people who spent money still have an advantage!!!
Post edited by Hozilla on


  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    If you had bothered to read the many other threads on this before starting this one, you'd find there are more complaints about this requiring LESS strategy than about it requiring more.
    By legitimizing force-closing, they have made GW trivial for people with good teams. You can simply try over and over again until the RNG goes in your favor.
    I finished my GW run today using just 5 characters. It used to be about using your bench, managing cooldowns, and so forth. Now it's just about "reloading save games" until you win.
    Retreating required strategy. Force-closing never did, and that's all we have now.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Options
    Hahahahaha. Strong in the force you are..
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member

    Epic troll fail but thanks for the thread to +1 post count in.
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    Eaywen wrote: »
    Because I can't effortlessly win everything always. The enemies in gw have a chance to win now and that's not fun or fair. The enemies should start with all abilities on cool down with all my people fully ready all the time and anytime the enemy buffs or taunts or debuffs I should be able to just make it go away at will.

    They expect me to adapt and use strategy instead of just denying the other team the ability to do anything through manipulation of a system, it's like I'm playing a game with risks and rewards instead of just being given all of everything.

    To make things worse people who spent money still have an advantage!!! ****

    You think like those people that easily give up lol. Good luck with that mentality..
  • Options
    It's a satire people.... come on...
  • Options
    Wow your lucky I usually don't see a full group of 60's until the 3td fight or so, it's really boring just going through the motions the first 2 fights with no real challenge. I can't wait to do my first run through where they are all at my level!
    It does suck you lost Lumi, I usually throw her in later for the matches that need more healing.
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