Missing Raid Rewards

Our guild beat the rancor at t7 around 7 hrs ago and until now, all of us didn't get any rewards. Every of our members already filed the issue in "contact us" page. Just so everyone knows if they are also missing raid rewards. I haven't gotten raid reward from my last 2 raid attempts, all were successful.One in t6 i'm top 3 and one in heroic i'm top 9.

We already log out/ sign out our accounts and log in again...still,no rewards.

I'm just thinking if we do something wrong like you do illegal things from the game,they will make an action asap to temporary suspend your account or worst ban you..but this kind of things, they are too slow to respond. Just my 10 cents..


  • BMoney
    264 posts Member
    Best part was when I sent them an email clearly stating I never received my raid reward for tier VII, they responded with an email saying yes we checked into it and found that you did in fact recieve your guild dark side battle reward for yesterday....

    I said nothing about dark side battles in my email lol.
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    That's the last guild activity.lol.. it means they are not reading properly our concerns that we are sending to them.
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    Bump!! Some of our guild mates that filed case received 100 crystals??? We need those reward gears from the raid... 100 crystal is nothing compared to those items..what can you buy from 100 crystal? is this how you take action???

    Oh by the way...that's customer welfare service as its best.
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