How often do you buy mods from shipment?

30 posts Member
edited August 2016
I do not understand how the mods in shipment could be so expensive. They are sold for thousands of crystals, or hundreds of thousands of credits, but we can only sell our mods back for thousands of credits. I think they should either make the shipments cheaper, or allow us to sell our mods back for more.

How often do you buy mods from shipment? 6 votes

Never, because the mods are too expensive.
66% 4 votes
Once, but I did not realize how expensive it was.
0% 0 votes
Sometimes, but I only buy the ones with credits.
16% 1 vote
Sometimes, and it does not matter if it is credits, or crystals.
0% 0 votes
All the time because the cost does not bother me.
0% 0 votes
All the time, but the cost does bother me, and they should be cheaper.
0% 0 votes
I would start to buy if they were cheaper, or I could sell my mods back for more.
16% 1 vote
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