Why are the forces of Evil so Good?!

42 posts Member
edited August 2016
This has been the most frustrating and upsetting balance I've witnessed in any game.

Exactly why are the Jedi not quite as awesome as I had hoped, since joining this game in November?

They (Dark Side Chars) have better synergy, better attacks, just all the counters and dodges and stuns are mind boggling. (I'm looking at you Dooku).. (Genosian Soldier?).. (Royal Guard for goodness sakes)

What do the Jedi have? Maybe some ok synergy.. Speed.. Ok healing.. What they are missing is some benefits that the Sith or Droids have, unrelenting power and control.

I've been rolling and working on my QGJ, Yoda, Luminara, Ben and Mace all-around team, for months now. All 7* and I'm 80 (only gear set 8, but I do not have the time to grind at that nor will I ever pay good money for it)

Ever since GW updates, the Mods. I am now constantly thwomped everyday. Every team now are freaking tanks and I'm giggling if I can get into the top 200. (Sigh)

But I'm not discussing that. (That's it's own can of worms) I just am upset I invested so much into the Good guys. And I see that was a mistake.

I guess EA wants children to know that Good doesn't always triumph Evil? :( that makes me a sad panda.

Think of the children EA! THE CHILDREN!

Thank you for reading this ridiculous rant.
Post edited by J0K3R on


  • M_L
    469 posts Member
    hmm, i feel like you're cherry picking a bit, or maybe you meant, how come Jedis aren't super great, not light side (good guys) in general...

    'cause if we're just talking Light side, JKA or Old Ben lead, Rey (probably the most overused character in the game), STHan (up there with RG as far as Tanks are concerned, especially with Old Ben lead), and add in Maybe 5s for more tankiness, or Lando for more AOE, or Yoda for control. and i'm pretty sure you'd be clean in the top 100 in arena at the least. All good guys.

    pretty sure Bad guys is supposed to be more damage, while Good guys are supposed to be more about defense, as far as story line goes. pure rebel synergy is also probably one of the strongest ones out there. Just look at top of your arena, hardly anyone uses ONLY dark side, but there's definite some possibilies for majority light side.
  • Options
    Yeah, this might be the worst complaint ever.
  • EscapeArtist51
    1675 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Joeyd7878 wrote: »
    Yeah, this might be the worst complaint ever.
    It's up there. Mostly because he is wrong. it's kinda even tbh. Let's compare.

    Light side has:
    Rey, Anakin, Old Ben, Lando, Ackbar, Leia, lumi, Luke, aayla, Ima gun di, STH, Han, wedge, Biggs, JE, ewoks, Qui gon, Yoda, fives

    Darkside has:
    Sun fac, GS, Dooku, Daka, Phasma, IG-88, IG-86, HK-47, B2, Zam Wessell, RG

    You can make a better team using light side toons than dark side
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    I find it humorous that this was beneath a thread titled "Why is Kylo Ren so WEEEEAAKK!".... or something like that.
  • Options
    Ehh... look at the lineup on the game splash screen.

    Almost every toon on the light side/right is completely meta.

    Almost everyone toon on the left side dark sucks horribly.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Another complaining just to complain thread, try harder next time kid
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Xeriel
    42 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Haha just a rant. Some comments were helpful. Its true some of the balance is done well. But my argument is there is no help for Jedi V Sith. Sidious and Dooku are bosses, I'd like to see Jedi having dodge like Sidious does. No Jedi have anything to counter Sith like the Sith do vise versa.
    Post edited by Xeriel on
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