Most Effective Characters

Hey Guys,
I was looking for advice, on what characters would get me to the next level in the game. I currently have a 7 star Sideous as my leader, a 7 star Luminara, a 5 star Genosian, a 4 star Rey, and a 4 star Barriss. I am working at maxing out all these characters, but I was wondering who I could use as a good addition, for other teams. I also have a 5 star Daka, and 3 star Ewok elder. These are who I usually use in the arena. Just wondering who you thought I should go after next.
Also, I am looking for players who can help take my guild to the next level. We are a new guild looking for players that can take us a level up, and for players who will work together to improve the guild. Rank doesn't really matter as long as you are active. Send me a friend request!! Ally code--752-672-568
Please tell me what level you are, and what your arena team is in the comments. Thanks!
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