Auto fight & AI

Why is auto fight (because I can see what's happening), and AI fighting (an assumption that there one in the same), So Dumb? Another way of putting it is, pick the strongest guy and attack. Exactly opposite of what I do. I understand AI is a complex set of algorithms, but lets have an option in the matter. I pick off the weak, then the healers, I save the Boss for last.
Can the next update alow for more option. I think tasticly, I play with strategy, and some may say common sense. So give us a PASS Option, when I auto fight let me choose weakest to strongest, and yes when I make that choice I want my AI to do the same.
I'm just spit balling here, give use a means to fill out a profile, I'm spending hours customising my chrs. It would be no bother to spend a little more time explaining in a sense how I want the chr and the team to operate.
I end it with let us do the work. I see it simply, every chr get a 2 or 3 option choice. If A=Xbox they C, if A=York then D, if A=Z the E. Maybe I do know how complicated AI is but I want some Algebra. OUT, I'll have more improvement later.
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