Cantina 6-a / 5-f

Cantina 6-a Barris Offee 11 Sims 1 character shard
Cantina 5-f Lando 23 Sim 2 character shards.

Just FYI I know nobody cares but I had to vent. If you want comment with your robbery drop rate and which node.
-FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
191568986 Ally Code


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    I already had those 2 toons 7* and i never noticed any shard drop rate issue. Unless they changed simething in last update
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    I figure I should post some of the better drop and not just the negative.

    Cantina first node Geo. Soilder -12 Sims 7 character shards.
    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
  • Osik
    235 posts Member
    anakin node- 12 sims, 0 shards :(
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    Cantina 6-a Barris Offee 11 Sims 1 character shard
    Cantina 5-f Lando 23 Sim 2 character shards.

    Just FYI I know nobody cares but I had to vent. If you want comment with your robbery drop rate and which node.

    Did Landos and got 15 shards in 2 refreshes.
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Anakin- 3 refreshes(600 crystals), 21 sims, 2 sharts
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    Da g that is a rip off.
    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
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    Did Landos and got 15 shards in 2 refreshes

    At that rate you should have a seven star lando in short order.
    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
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    Cantina 6-a Barris Offee 11 Sims 1 character shard
    Cantina 5-f Lando 23 Sim 2 character shards.
    Cantina first node Geo. Soilder -12 Sims 7 character shards.
    Did Landos and got 15 shards in 2 refreshes
    At that rate you should have a seven star lando in short order.

    So you are currently farming barris, lando and GS in cantina and then you are complaining about the time it will take you to 7-star one of those farms? Seriously?

    Look, I'm with you when it comes to drop rates. I also think they could be just higher. And I'm also personally biased against multi-sim ( I know this is not relevant but my feeling is that drop rates are better if I sim at max 2 at once - at least i fill better this way; all that counts).

    But to just enrage here on forum regularly doesn't help. Either have some really solid statistic about drop rates (i.e. record drop rates by all means for the next 4 weeks in every aspect) and then we can have an unbiased look on the outcome or just learn to live with that, period.

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    Luke Skywalker, 45 sims, 12 shards
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    Chewbacca 67 sims 8 shards
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    August 18
    PhightinPhantom wrote: »
    Cantina 6-a Barris Offee 11 Sims 1 character shard
    Cantina 5-f Lando 23 Sim 2 character shards.
    PhightinPhantom wrote: »
    Cantina first node Geo. Soilder -12 Sims 7 character shards.
    PhightinPhantom wrote: »
    Did Landos and got 15 shards in 2 refreshes
    "PhightinPhantom wrote:
    At that rate you should have a seven star lando in short order.

    So you are currently farming barris, lando and GS in cantina and then you are complaining about the time it will take you to 7-star one of those farms? Seriously?

    Look, I'm with you when it comes to drop rates. I also think they could be just higher. And I'm also personally biased against multi-sim ( I know this is not relevant but my feeling is that drop rates are better if I sim at max 2 at once - at least i fill better this way; all that counts).

    But to just enrage here on forum regularly doesn't help. Either have some really solid statistic about drop rates (i.e. record drop rates by all means for the next 4 weeks in every aspect) and then we can have an unbiased look on the outcome or just learn to live with that, period.

    -- Look I own all but 13 characters I been playing this game sine Jan you have been playing since may I already had about 700.00 or so on the game by the time you de idea to download. So if i wNt to vent and it makes me feel better why not? You say it don't help but it helps me and when others let me know that they got robbed o. The drop rates it let's me know I'm not in my imagination go check out my other post when they get it right I thank em when they don't I vent when I don't know what the hell I am doing I ask. So you write what you want on your forum and I will write what I want on mine. This might actually qualify as a rage but my first. Moment when I simply talked about bad drop rates and u said I was enraged. That just let me know how tender you are so I apologize for that. My roster is ok it's not the best but I'm no rookie Check me out. I only say this bcuz u think I am having a fit b uz I wNt a Geo Soilder barris or a lando when I already own most of all the players for me the fun is collected ting them to the pvp rank not who I can get to 7 stars. I like to collect them for example cade Bane sucks I was happy as a pig in the mud when I got him why back before he was available to f2p. I apologize for those who hate when folks get mean on forums bcuz I understand I just had to tell this guy where I was coming from I hate when someone try to control what others say on there on forum. Anyways ally code 191568986 and you can look me up on I'm not new to this and when a go Sims 67 times for 8 chewie shards vent here. When u Sim Anakin- 3 refreshes(600 crystals), 21 sims, 2 sharts it's ok to vent about it here. If you think talking about bad drop rates is a lil to hardcore then don't read please. I apologize it's the Americana in me.
    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
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    -- Look I own all but 13 characters I been playing this game sine Jan you have been playing since may I already had about 700.00 or so on the game by the time you de idea to download. So if i wNt to vent and it makes me feel better why not? You say it don't help but it helps me and when others let me know that they got robbed o. The drop rates it let's me know I'm not in my imagination go check out my other post when they get it right I thank em when they don't I vent when I don't know what the hell I am doing I ask. So you write what you want on your forum and I will write what I want on mine. This might actually qualify as a rage but my first. Moment when I simply talked about bad drop rates and u said I was enraged. That just let me know how tender you are so I apologize for that. My roster is ok it's not the best but I'm no rookie Check me out. I only say this bcuz u think I am having a fit b uz I wNt a Geo Soilder barris or a lando when I already own most of all the players for me the fun is collected ting them to the pvp rank not who I can get to 7 stars. I like to collect them for example cade Bane sucks I was happy as a pig in the mud when I got him why back before he was available to f2p. I apologize for those who hate when folks get mean on forums bcuz I understand I just had to tell this guy where I was coming from I hate when someone try to control what others say on there on forum. Anyways ally code 191568986 and you can look me up on I'm not new to this and when a go Sims 67 times for 8 chewie shards vent here. When u Sim Anakin- 3 refreshes(600 crystals), 21 sims, 2 sharts it's ok to vent about it here. If you think talking about bad drop rates is a lil to hardcore then don't read please. I apologize it's the Americana in me.

    Sry, but it's really hard for me to just pick one single sentence and trying to understand what you wanna say, let alone the whole paragraph. Seriously help me here, is this even English anymore; i don't know?!

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    -- Look I own all but 13 characters I been playing this game sine Jan you have been playing since may I already had about 700.00 or so on the game by the time you de idea to download. So if i wNt to vent and it makes me feel better why not? You say it don't help but it helps me and when others let me know that they got robbed o. The drop rates it let's me know I'm not in my imagination go check out my other post when they get it right I thank em when they don't I vent when I don't know what the hell I am doing I ask. So you write what you want on your forum and I will write what I want on mine. This might actually qualify as a rage but my first. Moment when I simply talked about bad drop rates and u said I was enraged. That just let me know how tender you are so I apologize for that. My roster is ok it's not the best but I'm no rookie Check me out. I only say this bcuz u think I am having a fit b uz I wNt a Geo Soilder barris or a lando when I already own most of all the players for me the fun is collected ting them to the pvp rank not who I can get to 7 stars. I like to collect them for example cade Bane sucks I was happy as a pig in the mud when I got him why back before he was available to f2p. I apologize for those who hate when folks get mean on forums bcuz I understand I just had to tell this guy where I was coming from I hate when someone try to control what others say on there on forum. Anyways ally code 191568986 and you can look me up on I'm not new to this and when a go Sims 67 times for 8 chewie shards vent here. When u Sim Anakin- 3 refreshes(600 crystals), 21 sims, 2 sharts it's ok to vent about it here. If you think talking about bad drop rates is a lil to hardcore then don't read please. I apologize it's the Americana in me.

    Sry, but it's really hard for me to just pick one single sentence and trying to understand what you wanna say, let alone the whole paragraph. Seriously help me here, is this even English anymore; i don't know?!

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    RU486 wrote: »
    Anakin- 3 refreshes(600 crystals), 21 sims, 2 sharts

    How do you pay 600 crystals for 3 refreshes?
  • Dooku_for_days
    2907 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I've been having mental drop rates.
    (forgot how to post picture directly)
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    i don't think mine is bad?

    6 sims - 3 shards
    10 sims - 3 shards
    hard mode sims (3) - 3 shards
    hard mode sims (3) - 0 shards

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    Yeah my auto correct went crazy and it reads f. Uped I can admit my faults drop rates still suck. Anything else off subject u wanna talk about and to answer your question no I guess it wouldn't be English but u got the jist. So know you know multi languages English and bad English. I don't have all this pride were you can say this or that and bother me. If you think the drop rates are fair start a thread about it.
    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
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    So I checked out the link were all those shards won just from the listed 9 battles (Lando)?
    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
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    So I checked out the link were all those shards won just from the listed 9 battles (Lando)?

    The bottom number (6) is what you get from this pull. the top number (58/100) is just the overall progress...
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    Yeah my auto correct went crazy and it reads f. Uped I can admit my faults drop rates still suck. Anything else off subject u wanna talk about and to answer your question no I guess it wouldn't be English but u got the jist. So know you know multi languages English and bad English. I don't have all this pride were you can say this or that and bother me. If you think the drop rates are fair start a thread about it.

    Uff ... you've done it again!

    On topic: No, I don't think drop rates are 'fair'. Of course they could be higher and I also feel the pain of tedious and boring grind, especially if siming 10 battles net me 0 shards for instance. All I say is that here on the forums are already way than enough threads about this topic, but only rage threads where OP 'vents' about an unfortunate RNG result. This does not help, is heavily biased and short-sighted. To really make a change one would need to actually record all sim outcomes and not only cry about an one time bad luck event.
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    And you asked me to help u understand so let me do that.
    1. Yes I was complaining about drop rates and yes I was and am serious, after you asked me that question you went on to agree.
    2. I am interested in hearing about what other nodes are thought to have bad odds. my opinion your statement about enraging regularly on this forum does not help is false. My goal was not to rage especially because I was and am not angry, mad, or any similar type feeling. I just felt it was a small injustice inside of the game I love to play. I doubt you care to but if you read my other post I don't "rage." And my thread did help if one person got to vent about how they think the game took advantage of them.
    4. It's not even up for debate that drop rates have been a issue. The devs are supposedly looking into it, or already did so. One of the things I did wrong is not add my opinion the MEGA THREAD on this same subject.
    5. kartoffelSTAMPF, you are not the only person to disagree you are just the only person to disagree and then have an issue bcuz there was a post in the 1st place. Let me ask you a question are you really the guy in charge of drop rates? Because I don't understand why you are opposed to someone blowing a whistle about the subject.
    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
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    Finally a post i can work with ... my opinion your statement about enraging regularly on this forum does not help is false. My goal was not to rage especially because I was and am not angry, mad, or any similar type feeling. I just felt it was a small injustice inside of the game I love to play. I doubt you care to but if you read my other post I don't "rage." And my thread did help if one person got to vent about how they think the game took advantage of them.

    5. kartoffelSTAMPF, you are not the only person to disagree you are just the only person to disagree and then have an issue bcuz there was a post in the 1st place. Let me ask you a question are you really the guy in charge of drop rates? Because I don't understand why you are opposed to someone blowing a whistle about the subject.

    Both fall into the same category and I can tell you why I think it does not help, i.e. it's counter productive. IMHO - and I know this is heavily biased and dubious - I think drop rates are not what the "devs" say they are and I also think drop rates for sims are even inferior. That's my personal opinion and I have 0 data to support this. Hence, I could be totally wrong and all I recognize is the typical biased perception of win/loos ratios humans regularly fail so bad at. I'm totally aware of this - still I can't help myself. Anyhow, because I also know there are tons of players who just say: "Shut up, data shows that drop rates are all fine" - and they are probably absolute correct about this and also correct in saying so - I keep quite. And I keep quite not because people tell me to do so but because I know for fact that this kind of discussion will bring us nowhere and being a complete waste of time.

    So there is only one thing you could introduce into this ever emerging debate: empiric data! And until you have some data to support your complaints all you achieve is undermining the whole discussion by catapulting it into insignificance because people get so sick of this that they stop on this topic entirely.

  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    8 refreshes on lando 8 energy so 15*8= 120 tries + some natural regen and 90 free and have 62/100 right now.
    Pray to rngesus more.
    also if you want lando shards do the 1-E node
  • Joeyd7878
    276 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Since the EP event went live I've farmed over 100 Lando shards, no less than 3 refreshes a day and no more than 4. Cantina 1-E. Until I have him at 7* I'm not giving into the mod temptation.
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    I'll join in! Just did Lando 1E:bnrV7UI.pngQXpooM6.png
    7 shards, 22 sims, 31.8% drop rate. Right where it should be. Thanks for not changing the drop rate! Woo-hoo.
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