How is raid rank determined in a tie?

So our guild just started an alternate raiding method where we have A and B teams. The theory being that B team sits out and gets 0 damage, and everyone ties for 26th place and receives those rewards.

It is upsetting that it doesn't seem to allow a tie, but I could live with it. However, I have no idea how it determines who is at what rank? I was the second player to register the 0 damage, and everyone seems to get randomly assigned a number. Does anyone know how it determines who is at what position in the event everyone has the same score? It clearly isn't time based or alphabetical.

For example the first two of us to register zero damage were 1 and 2, and now are ranked 21 and 25, with about ten others scoring zero.
Collaborative T7 guild looking for active members. Details here or PM me.


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    I'll let you know when we finish our raid.
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    **** it Gimmie, I'll know then too.
    Collaborative T7 guild looking for active members. Details here or PM me.
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    It goes by the order of the most recent dump taken
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    MBL_66 wrote: »
    It goes by the order of the most recent dump taken

    I don't think so. If that were the case, Tasty would be on top because he's full of sh#t.
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    Yep. Just pinched a loaf and no deal.
    Collaborative T7 guild looking for active members. Details here or PM me.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    That's a good idea, and I'm surprised they thought that far ahead, would have been a great idea to let 3-5 ppl finish the raid and have everyone get #6 rewards...

    Sorry it doesn't work, and my guess is that you are playing the RNG game......which we know in this game is oh so fair.
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    It is not rng. Some players will always finish higher than others with 0 scores.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    If any of you are on, check :
    overall power
    Arena power
    Compare power of toons used to get 0
    Ability to say the alphabet backwards
    And lastly power of highest toon...
  • bpipe
    19 posts Member
    Anyone found an answer?
  • Bhaalor
    1724 posts Member
    If you are saying what I think you are saying its by your player ID.
  • Aldaron
    175 posts Member
    TastyPants wrote: »
    So our guild just started an alternate raiding method where we have A and B teams. The theory being that B team sits out and gets 0 damage, and everyone ties for 26th place and receives those rewards.

    It is upsetting that it doesn't seem to allow a tie, but I could live with it. However, I have no idea how it determines who is at what rank? I was the second player to register the 0 damage, and everyone seems to get randomly assigned a number. Does anyone know how it determines who is at what position in the event everyone has the same score? It clearly isn't time based or alphabetical.

    For example the first two of us to register zero damage were 1 and 2, and now are ranked 21 and 25, with about ten others scoring zero.

    I don't know what is exactly used to determine the order but I do know that the order is always the same so it must be some random number assigned to a player when it registers in the game.. That kind of sucks since now we had to create a system so that me and all of my guildmates who can solo the rancor, take turns getting each place.
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    It's organised by player ID
    I fight the good fight
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    Player ID is OP! You get shafted if you are like me with a player ID that starts with a z.
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    Nerf player ID now!
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    Player ID needs a fix!!
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