Need just a little push for our 1st heroic raid

We just started our 1st ever t7 raid yesterday! Rancor has 6% health left now lol. But we are very close to be exhausted with resources. One last squad being preped to going as we speak.

If you are looking for a friendly, patient, built from ground up, t7 guild, it's perfect time to join us now! Sure, you will miss the raid rewards this time around, but we'll be forever thankful to you for your timely contribution. And our next raid will be 48 hours away from the time you join. Come on and grab the limited spots!

If someone just want to help us out this one time, it's always welcome too. We'll really appreciate it.

Contact me via PM here, or on line (my id is zzdzzd). My ally code is 577-592-352.
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