Galactic war

EA, please back off the difficulty level on the galactic war. I can understand one, two or three difficult battles but half the "war" is now teams above me in level. Almost all consist of at least one if not all 80 level characters.
“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” George R R Martin


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    I have this same issue. It's completely unbeatable and only getting harder. I can't beat the last two nodes and its bc I'm strengthening my top characters. So my top team has to go up against at least six ridiculous teams throughout and Rey literally one shots entire teams. A tiny little girl with a stick crushes entire squads AND IS NOWHERE NEAR AS SUCEPTIBLE TO DEBUFFS AS THEY LIKE YOU TO BELIEVE. Put her with Redguard and QGJ and it's game over no matter who I'm running. They ought to at least give us first crack at the other team regardless of strength, level, or speed.
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    It's hard but will get super easy later just be patient
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    See megathread...

    You go through a phase of it being near impossible... build your chars and it gets to a time when you can one team it and get easy last node(s).... tbh I kinda miss the challenge of it as Im in the later part of this scenario
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    Ps. They will never change it so you must adapt
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    Health mods! Easiest to get good boost for gw. Before mods even with a maxed A team and a deep roster i used to past gw twice a week if i was lucky after health modding alot of my toons i very rarely lose gw and another tip daka geared up to about 9 or 10 with bonus potency as a secondary on health mods really helps especially with phasma lead and assist attackers she stuns toons a treat meaning yours get hit less saving protection for later nodes shes good for gw not so good for arena but a great toon
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    Having a big roster is the key to passing gw, that or your tops toons are super elites. I'm not sure what level you're but generally speaking if your top toons are sub-par or bad ones, then you're gonna have a bad time.
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