The Sith Tag

I am curious as to why Opress is tagged as a Sith whereas Ventress is not. Ventress spent far longer as an apprentice than Opress and as such should receive the tag. I understand this is the most minor of her problems (far too slow, poor AI, etc) but with the release of Palpatine a full Sith team is possible and the tag should be attached to those who follow that path no matter their detours.

With this in mind it would be prudent to attach the tag to Ventress and Kylo (despite him being a poor reflection.) Both follow the Sith tradition albeit with their own spin.


  • ShewardN
    515 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Count Dooku trained Ventress as a personal dark side force-wielding assassin and guard. She was NEVER trained to be a Sith. Darth Sidious was aware of Ventress, and he stood strong by his previous master's Rule of Two (which Darth Bane created), where there could only be ONE master and ONE apprentice. At this current moment in time, that was Darth Sidious and Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku). This just further shows that Ventress was never trained as a Sith. She is seen as a Dark Jedi, which are Jedis that have fallen from the Order and were tempted by the Dark Side of the Force. Dark Jedis aren't Siths.

    Opress is a Sith because his brother Maul decided to teach him the ways of the Sith and became his master. Darth Sidious sensed this change in the Force and went to punish them for not following his own personal rule, the Rule of Two.

    Kylo Ren isn't a Sith. I won't get into details, but here is a quote from J.J Abrams:

    "[He] is not a Sith. [Kylo Ren] works under Supreme Leader Snoke, who is a powerful figure on the Dark Side of the Force."
    Team Steroid Council Member - "A wise leader knows when to follow"
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    Pardon me if I look to a more solid source than your say so. Wookieepedia states that she has a Sith affiliation and I would point to Sideous's wariness toward her as being evidence of her having Sith affiliation as well as the training. I would also point out that just because the rule of 2 was in affect that didn't preclude numerous Dark side users following the Sith tradition.

    In regards to Kylo I just put him there because he's a dark side user who idolizes Darth Vader (the extent of my knowledge since I don't really acknowledge the Abrams version of anything sci-fi.)
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    " She became Count Dooku’s apprentice, even though the Sith Rule of Two prohibited the existence of another Sith Lord."
    ~Official Star Wars database

    She never gained the title of Sith Lord because Tyranus never overthrew Sidious. There can only ever be two Sith Lords. Even Sidious had an apprentice (Maul) while he was himself the apprentice. Only after Sidious killed Plageous did Maul get the Darth title and become a Sith Lord. He was certianly trained in the Sith ways as a secret apprentice.

    Oh and Sith apprentices are often used as assassins.
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    Im ok with the Sith tag being a pure tag for only Sith Lords which is what we are all used to thinking the Sith are, but in this sense Savage was never a Sith Lord and should not have the tag. He was an apprentice only and not part of the Ro2 same as Asajj.
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