PSA - Spending energy right after guild reset may prevent contributing 600 coins

91 posts Member
I know I'm not the only one who has experienced the aggravation of coming up short of 600 coins contributed according to the Daily Coin Contribution screen. The reason for this occurring has seemed to be completely arbitrary, and there doesn't seem to be any word on when this will get fixed. That said, I think I finally figured out exactly how this occurs and I wanted to share my findings with everyone along with a workaround.

What appears to be happening is that the first energy you spend after guild reset sometimes doesn't count towards daily coin contribution despite showing up on the guild activity screen. However, once energy spent does start counting, it will always continue to count until you reach 600 total energy spent, then stop counting no matter how much more energy you spend thereafter. So anything you spend during the period where it doesn't count will be the exact amount you fall short of 600 at the end of the day.

For example, I spent 220 energy right after reset yesterday, and although it showed up as 220/600 on the guild activity screen, the daily contribution screen still showed me at 0. I then waited a little bit then spent another 300, which brought me to 520/600 on the guild activity screen and 300 on the daily contribution screen. Since then, I've spent probably 800 energy, and while it brought me to 600/600 on the guild activity screen, the daily contribution screen stopped at 380 and nothing I spend now adds to that.

From this, I recommend the following workaround for anyone experiencing this problem until this issue is finally fixed. After guild reset, I'd strongly recommend waiting a bit before spending any energy (though I have no idea how long you actually need to wait). Then, once you do spend energy, start off by doing a single battle for as little energy as possible (say 6 energy). Then open the daily contribution screen and verify that energy has been counted and you are no longer at 0. If it counted, you should be safe to spend energy as you will and it should all count. If it didn't count, wait a bit longer and try again until it does count. Hopefully this way, at worst, you're only going to fall short of 600 by 6-20 coins rather than potentially falling short by 300 or more if you had just gone all out right after reset.

Additionally, I'd ask any developer reading this to please prioritize getting this issue fixed, as it's been a major annoyance to guild leaders trying to determine who's not contributing in addition to costing guilds raids potentially. Hopefully the information I've provided will help you track down and fix this issue soon.


  • Options
    The problem is that there are two counters. One resets and there's a chance that the other counter hasn't, so instantly spending energy when the first counter has reset can potentially lead to it not contributing.
    Team Steroid Council Member - "A wise leader knows when to follow"
  • DrD
    91 posts Member
    That appears to be the case. But the more annoying issue is that any energy you spend during that interval not only isn't counted but also lowers the maximum you can contribute for the day no matter how much you ultimately spent. That was the key discovery I wanted to share.
  • Options
    CG_Kozispoon has said he is aware of the bug and that they're working on a fix, so just hang in there :)
    Team Steroid Council Member - "A wise leader knows when to follow"
  • DrD
    91 posts Member
    ShewardN wrote: »
    CG_Kozispoon has said he is aware of the bug and that they're working on a fix, so just hang in there :)

    That's good to hear. Could we also get confirmation as to whether it's visual only or actually affects the coins your guild is getting?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    My guild leader tracks us very intently and as long as the 600/600 shows on your personal guild activities screen it counts towards your raid 600.

    The guild page that does the tracking is on your personal clock as far as reset but still stops increasing once you hit 600, which is why you see it say something short of 600 and not going up.
  • Options
    This makes managing my guild nearly impossible. Especially since they got rid of the weekly charts " why?!!!!!!" It's hard to tell who is contributing when even people that are contributing are getting 0's
  • DarthZannaH
    577 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    DrD wrote: »
    ShewardN wrote: »
    CG_Kozispoon has said he is aware of the bug and that they're working on a fix, so just hang in there :)

    That's good to hear. Could we also get confirmation as to whether it's visual only or actually affects the coins your guild is getting?

    It's visual only... If you make 600/600 before reset, it will get counted towards Guild Bank Coins and in the Lifetime Guild Coin produced you will see how much the member actually contributed, so if you check that, you will see that the counters are correct.

    It's a visual glitch only in the Daily Coin production panel.

    I know this because I joined a guild 12 days ago, and my lifetime contribution is 7200 (so basically 600/600 every day) and I confirmed that I contributed 600/600 even tho every day the numbers are weird in the daily panel (sometimes 540, 320, 480, 502, etc...).

    Which confirms that if you start spending energy right after the reset, the daily counter will be a mess (and I do spend energy in every reset at 12am before going to bed)
    Do or do not...
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    This makes managing my guild nearly impossible. Especially since they got rid of the weekly charts " why?!!!!!!" It's hard to tell who is contributing when even people that are contributing are getting 0's

    Yep. You can't get the fine point but you can get a good idea of show not hitting it. My leader will request pics to prove when someone is suspected of not hitting it, not fool proof and more work but we don't miss by much right now.
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