OVER 50 Mods 5* fully upgraded...

145 posts Member
edited August 2016

I have too many mods maxed out....

Post edited by BentWookiee on


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    So much wasted credits
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    I can't bring myself to sell them...
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    Do you not understand how mod bonuses work? You got a mix of them only getting the benefit for defense
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    A lot of those were lvl1 A Mods from the store...
    145 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Yes I do. Do you see Nebits speed?
    145 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Have you ever ran a droid team with a Nebit that has over 200 speed? He's unstoppable.

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    What is the point of this post? Are you starting a measuring contest?
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    Whatever you want it to be about. There are multiple issues with this. For instance the split between people who have mods and people who don't. The amount of resources put towards these mods. Or how easy they make it 4 players with a 39000 power team take first place in Arena...all the time. Do you have anything to contribute to this?@Wicket
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    Ok, so you don't understand set bonuses...
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    Now that you have a some what legitimate post other than your pointless first post.....If it reposted in the appropriate section with an appropriate title I may contribute to your nonsense, but really.... You contribute nothing.
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    Yes, I obviously I don't... You have wasted more of my time then deserved. But I shall humor myself, none the less. Because if you were to understand even a small portion of what you see in Nebits stat sheet, you would realize that this isn't your everyday, run of the mill, droid team. And the reason Nebit only has 1 set bonus is that my focus was on pure speed. He is a monster and so is that particular setup.

    Since you have absolutely nothing to add to this post, nothing whatsoever, I'll add 1 more thing. Due to your lack of creativity and less than average character, it has brought another subject to life...how people in forums blindlessly decide to comment on posts that obviously are not understood by that individual. Crazy isn't it???
    145 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Droids=Hit Hard and Fast
    Most of my battles end in me having my whole team and most left with a lot of protection. Who needs a mod set bonus for that? I auto gw regularly, auto arena...if I fall a spot, and I have fun doing it.
  • M9silent
    821 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    You've got all those nice mods just lying around. Why not put them on other heroes in your roster?

    Even if you technically don't need them because your droid team effortlessly rolls through arena and GW (my Wedge L Rebels do the same), that doesn't mean you can't mod up some other teams and use them for fun. I run tons of teams in GW, just for fun. Droids, Jedi, Sith, Rebels, Empire, Jawa. Why not?

    You should put all those mods to good use and make other teams.
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    BMC_TYT wrote: »
    Yes, I obviously I don't... You have wasted more of my time then deserved. But I shall humor myself, none the less. Because if you were to understand even a small portion of what you see in Nebits stat sheet, you would realize that this isn't your everyday, run of the mill, droid team. And the reason Nebit only has 1 set bonus is that my focus was on pure speed. He is a monster and so is that particular setup.

    Since you have absolutely nothing to add to this post, nothing whatsoever, I'll add 1 more thing. Due to your lack of creativity and less than average character, it has brought another subject to life...how people in forums blindlessly decide to comment on posts that obviously are not understood by that individual. Crazy isn't it???
    Ok, but you could still get that speed via set bonuses, or even with other set bonuses on top. Especially considering you have so many spare mods, you'd think you'd be able to do it. But then, good mods drop once in a blue moon for me, so it's probably the same for you.
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    A lot of my characters are modded. Leia, QGJ, Daka, etc... I'll use my B team in GW and auto to node 10. Its fun trying different combinations on toons. I spent over 3mil in credits switching Nebits mods around till I found this setup. This is by far the most successful setup for him.
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    That is true. At this point though, his mods have secondary speed stats ranging from 12 to over 20 in some cases. That alone negates any set bonus being competitive with those speed numbers.
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    BMC_TYT wrote: »

    A lot of my characters are modded. Leia, QGJ, Daka, etc... I'll use my B team in GW and auto to node 10. Its fun trying different combinations on toons. I spent over 3mil in credits switching Nebits mods around till I found this setup. This is by far the most successful setup for him.

    Nice. Nebit seems like a nice fit for a droid team. Good kit, I like him. I've enjoyed using him with my jawas. They all synergize well together. Haven't tried him with my droids (B2 instead). Might give him a go.

    And I agree. Its quite fun just tossing heroes around in GW and playing some matches. I just toss my old mods on other heroes as I acquire new mods. Can't have too many right? Hahaha. I still hunt for some of those perfect mods, like a potency speed primary with 20 speed secondary.
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    Yep, I've had a few of those!@M9silent
    Once you aquire one of those, nothing else will cut it! Lol
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    My god I could use those so much right now
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    stealth bragg thread that isnt really stealth at all.
    I bought 15 houses, but i can only live in one. man i have sooo much issues
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    BMC_TYT wrote: »
    Have you ever ran a droid team with a Nebit that has over 200 speed? He's unstoppable.


    Maybe on offense but not on defense. Palpatine will wreck any droid team with his OP stun.
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    leef wrote: »
    stealth bragg thread that isnt really stealth at all.
    I bought 15 houses, but i can only live in one. man i have sooo much issues

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    The sad part about this is, if we knew secondary stats before hand people wouldn't have to waste millions of credits leveling up mods they won't use. This thread is depressing.
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    Npopple wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    stealth bragg thread that isnt really stealth at all.
    I bought 15 houses, but i can only live in one. man i have sooo much issues


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    anyone else sick of this guy masterbating about his team every day? seriously do that in private. not one want to see that.
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    Ugh! My wallet is too small for all these $100s!!! Guys what am I going to do?!
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    Might be the reason you only have 405 credits.
  • Durrun
    1019 posts Member
    Here's an attempt at helpful information on a thread that has taken a vastly downward turn. @BMC_TYT since you run droids this means your JE is well geared, and you have apparently spare resources you should farm the other jawas and complete the crit damage mod challenge. This will give your droid team even more punch and that way you can farm for set bonus mods to replace your admittedly haphazard collection. It is far cheaper to gear the team to get the mods you want than to pay the outrageous prices of the mod shop.

    You can give a man a fish and feed him for a day

    You can teach a man to fish and feed him forever

    You can show a man a mod and he'll blow his wallet chasing secondaries

    You can teach a man to mod and he will go further in the end
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    I beat a fully modded and upgraded EP led sith team and destroyed them. You can't stun if you're dead...
This discussion has been closed.