Gear and Salvage Naming

I appreciate the attention to detail spent creating different gear progressions and naming schemes to create a more immersive Star Wars universe but the inconsistency and inability to clearly relate Mark levels to gear levels is frustrating.

Different mod sets have different progressions so at you can be looking for pieces of Mark III, IV and V gear to create a piece of Mark V gear in a level nine set. With salvage and gear sets that change for different character classes, all using Mark language the naming becomes meaningless and irritating. The salvage and gear finder is well thought out and this does alleviate the pain of finding the right pieces but it doesn't make understanding what pieces you have more sensible or relate pieces you don't currently show a need for. Mark naming to correlate with gear level would make this a lot easier where a salvage or gear piece was Mark VI-IX to match with the range of gear levels required.
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