Should a stun chance be added on Old Ben's basic attack?

14 posts Member
edited August 2016
With recent updates they took characters ability to dodge or evade while stunned. I feel that although it was a practical change, it put characters like Old Ben who rely on their dodge/evasion abilities to remain competitive at a disadvantage... I think by adding a stun change on Old Ben's basic ability it would help balance him. His dark side counterpart Dooku has a stun chance, a bonus attack chance, and a counter. Ben doesn't need all that, but I think he needs something extra. What does everyone think?

Should a stun chance be added on Old Ben's basic attack? 33 votes

Old Ben Should Stun on Basic.
DhalllordteriProxWundaliciousWhiteCherryAstrid1381 6 votes
Old Ben should stay as is.
ShewardNJaceousprimeOrionPeaceZombie961JediLericheNicholsTuftedpaper85xSkandarGraunxNightloreschristopher152003digsmartinsIAmExceptionAycee1MoicalissTeaguejassopassoSpeedRaceradeoetregeScruffy_LookingZooey 27 votes


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    Old Ben should stay as is.
    Why do you want Ben to dodge? You want him to die, so him not dodging while stunned would actually be a buff if anybody ever attacked him.
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    Old Ben should stay as is.
    Man, please, let him as it is. Gradually the tops of my server are shifting to other more interesting leaders and I think that's good for the game. Over time we will rid the arena of this **** worm.
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    Old Ben should stay as is.
    People are already talking about making Old Ben stronger when he's been top dog for months and there's plenty of other characters out there who still need their time in the limelight? Wow. He's still a very solid and competitive character, he doesn't need to be changed or touched at all.
    Team Steroid Council Member - "A wise leader knows when to follow"
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    Old Ben should stay as is.
    The dude is practically neo already giving him a stun chance would be aweful but as for the Dooku part, he has the counter to...counter his low health and the stun on his basic can only be applied to Jedi as well as his shock (unless attacking Jedi) is only 40%
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    Old Ben's death buff only helps in raids, as no one, including ai kills Ben untill last.
  • davevaded
    71 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Old Ben should stay as is.
    I could see an argument to swap that evasion up on his basic(he's targeted dead last anyway) for something like "If the target is an Empire or Sith enemy, this attack has a 35% chance to Stun for 1 turn and a 35% chance to inflict Ability Block for 1 turn." like the inverse of Dooku's without being over powered. "Stun" is too many times the best debuff in the game.
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