Mos Eisley T5 Guild

28 posts Member
edited October 2016
Hey All

Mos Eisley guild is looking for a few ACTIVE members Player level 60 and above

edit: we are now looking for 10 ACTIVE members

We are Currently a T5 guild prepping ourselves for T6

edit: We are now ready for a T6 but would like some more member's to make the T6 experience a bit more fun

we require 1 donation per week minimum

we are a very social guild with no egos
Using Line App for Communication as well as the in game chat

Personal daily contribution of 600 is a must!

I point this out because the more member contribution means more raids in the end

My Ally Code is 671-637-379

if your available or ready to join PM me here or reply to this thread or else I may not accept the ally request.... because I wont know if your a random request or someone interested in joining the guild

you can also leave me your ally code and I will invite you

Thank all for your consideration!!!

Tex Montana

Post edited by Texmontana on


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