new active guild starting. first 10 to join will be made officers. t5/t6. participation required.

24 posts Member
After leaving our guild because our leadership was overbearing and micromanaging, me and my friend have decided to make a new guild. We are both t7 players (ally code 152-489-317 check me out) but want to create a fun, laid back guild for people who genuinely just love star wars and the game. we will focus on t5/t6 raids to start with. all levels welcome. first 10 to join will be made officers and will help with decision making on raids, recruiting, etc. Guild name is The Imperial Court. Hope to see you soon!



  • Bigal
    85 posts Member
    hey i have a new guild called ten parsecs, we are looking to merge guilds with you we are currently doing t6s and need some more man power
  • Mand
    24 posts Member
    absolutely. hop into The Imperial Court and lets get to raiding!
  • Mand
    24 posts Member
    truly though, we aren't looking to merge guilds or anything like that. We are serious about making our teams better, but not so much that we hound our members about where they spend their stamina or anything like that. For instance, I do try to get my 600 per day personally, but I also have personal farming to do to as well and wouldn't want anyone all over me about it (like in my last guild, aka reason why we left to create this one). we want solid raids (and as a result solid gear) and people who will contribute with guild activity and with ideas and input in chat. We want to make everyone in our guild better!
  • Options
    I'm looking for any extremely active guild, over 26k daily guild activity a day.. I am a level 73 and want to run and active team in which I'm able to rank number one in raids once or a couple times a week. Tier 5-6 rancor and normal tank..
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