How good would this team be?

17 posts Member
edited August 2016
Leader: Captain Phasma
Darth Vader
Barris Offee

How good would this team be? 36 votes

Anakinfan27 1 vote
Ballupfam 1 vote
Mol_Eliza12Aleb93WhiteCherryReyCharlesJango_Fett 5 votes
DhallThagarSnowtrooperSandybard 4 votes
DarkDigglerMBL_66TyloRenDashRendarTuftedpaper85jedii_2040medetecSnake2KeKattiavynnJacen_SoloZooeyRyanRenhyperXgenhalimathPred 16 votes
TMKDooku_for_daysHunterXJDjassopassocoffepirineAshtarSheranRandomSithLordEurongrotesque_ah 9 votes


  • TMK
    700 posts Member
    0 because this team would get wrecked anywhere but GW prolly. And even there, you could still get slaughtered.
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    Lol. That's a god awful team.
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    Phasma (L)
    Mob Enforcer

    I can think of worse
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    Phasma and rey get him 3 points each. Yoda gets 2 points. Vader with no palp synergy is -2 points. Barris -4.

    I think that adds up to 2 total points
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    Okay, @Anakinfan27 what are you looking from this team. Except Phasma and Rey, they are all out of sync. Are you looking for something specific to achieve.
    I may be missing your viewpoint.
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    @jedii_2040 What I was trying to achieve was a balanced team. Phasma provides a great leader ability, and extra attacks. Yoda can steal any positive buffs and grant foresight to my entire team, resulting in an almost guaranteed loss of turn for the other team. Rey has massive damage, and also gives foresight. Barris would be the team healer, and has high health and shield so she would be one of the hardest healers to destroy, and her heal ignores immunity. Vader provides detrimental effects and has high health. I'm not exactly looking for a synergy, I was trying to figure out which characters gave me the most production. Let's play out a scenario. Phasma will grant plenty of extra attacks for Rey, and Vader, and can inflict speed down. This helps against Qui Gon Leads. He can also grant advantage and turn meter. Yoda steals enemies positive buffs, can stun enemies under 50% health, and can share all of his positive buffs with my team. Vader has ability block, DOT, and a massive damage 3rd attack. When health is low, Barriss has prob the best heal, and chance to heal on basic strike. We haven't even gotten to Rey yet, who is in my opinion, the best character on the game. She provides a phenominal offensive attack against enemies. How can all of that go wrong?? They technically are not a synergy, but they are balanced. I have lots of other characters too, if not then then who? Qui Gon? Daka? Luminara? Sideous? So give some feedback!! Thanks!
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    if the death star was after a new janitor team, you would be golden there. lol.
    Lost in the 20th century
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    You have no taunt to defend your glass cannons: Rey is dead in turn 1, even before Barris is aware she is on the field. Once Rey is dead, it's just a matter of time they slaughter your other toons. Almost everyone uses Royal Guard, so while the other opponents kill Rey, Royal Guard will also stun either Phasma or Vader to prevent all the fancy effects you have listed. Turn 2 either Phasma, Vader or Yoda are gone too. Why? Because you have no taunt to defend your other toons. Barriss (just like all other healers that have no resurrect powers) is useless, because your toons will be dead before she can heal. You need much more firepower and protection than that team has. If I would find that team in arena, I would attack immediately...
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    I don't have any synergy on the teams I use in GW and arena. I finish GW daily and do well enough in arena given my squad power (around 28,000). I don't use a tank either, but I have a bunch of health mods piled on Rey. I basically go for straight brute force because I just don't have enough strong toons to form a team with real synergy. Of course, the QGJ/RG/GS/Rey/Phasma team doesn't have any real synergy either, but everyone uses it.

    I CAN tell you that if I saw the team you listed pop up in my arena battles, I'd jump on it and wreck it in a heartbeat.
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    @Anakinfan27, I get what you are looking for. Phasma is great as a leader. I too use her in my Arena team.
    Now coming to your team, Rey is a great attacker, but she lacks health. So she is the first one that opponents will target. Phasma, Vader, Barris in your team are slow, so Rey is going to be dead way before any toon gets chance to help. Barris is great as a healer, but you don't want her to come for assisting. Vader is has lot of health, but his attacks are weak, except from the special attack, there is no much use.
    Now to make a team, you have great toon Daka. If you don't have RG or St Han, get at least of them soon, and gear them up.
    A good team based on your roaster will look like this:
    Phasma L, Rey, Daka, QGJ, RG/ ST Han.
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    Thanks for the feedback everyone!
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    Ha, that's not how this game works. Synergy and diversity are all but meaningless. Discover the high damage characters and crank out as much damage as you can. At least now tanks matter a bit.
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    I disagree with jedii_2040. Use the characters you like best. There's enough players mindlessly playing high tier characters. Be different and have fun with the game. I use characters I like. I have a low tier team. But I still manage to stay between 80 and 200 in arena most of the time. And I'd much rather rank 150 with the characters I enjoy than to rank 20 with a team that's pretty much the same thing everyone else plays.
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    Teague wrote: »
    I disagree with jedii_2040. Use the characters you like best. There's enough players mindlessly playing high tier characters. Be different and have fun with the game. I use characters I like. I have a low tier team. But I still manage to stay between 80 and 200 in arena most of the time. And I'd much rather rank 150 with the characters I enjoy than to rank 20 with a team that's pretty much the same thing everyone else plays.

    Bro if thats the case. I would be placed so far at the bottom lol .. I love plokoon,greedo,vader,dooku,ackbar,tuskens and jawas..
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    jedii_2040 wrote: »
    @Anakinfan27, I get what you are looking for. Phasma is great as a leader. I too use her in my Arena team.
    Now coming to your team, Rey is a great attacker, but she lacks health. So she is the first one that opponents will target. Phasma, Vader, Barris in your team are slow, so Rey is going to be dead way before any toon gets chance to help. Barris is great as a healer, but you don't want her to come for assisting. Vader is has lot of health, but his attacks are weak, except from the special attack, there is no much use.
    Now to make a team, you have great toon Daka. If you don't have RG or St Han, get at least of them soon, and gear them up.
    A good team based on your roaster will look like this:
    Phasma L, Rey, Daka, QGJ, RG/ ST Han.

    How can you pretend that he doesn't have RG? Everyone has him, it's like Poe or Chewie, except that RG has more utility and tends to be used a lot. Personally, I don't use him, because to me all he has is a stun. I am dead serious when I say that he is the weakest toon in terms of offense.
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    Teague wrote: »
    I disagree with jedii_2040. Use the characters you like best. There's enough players mindlessly playing high tier characters. Be different and have fun with the game. I use characters I like. I have a low tier team. But I still manage to stay between 80 and 200 in arena most of the time. And I'd much rather rank 150 with the characters I enjoy than to rank 20 with a team that's pretty much the same thing everyone else plays.

    I am not saying to agree with me. Everyone is free to choice their own, there are people who will follow the meta, while there will be people who will run their dream team. I run different teams in GW, according to my liking, but in Arena I run a team which gives me maximum benefit.

    In my server, I manage to stay in top 100 teams, and among the only few ones to use HRS in arena squad. Reason, I like him.
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    How can you pretend that he doesn't have RG? Everyone has him, it's like Poe or Chewie, except that RG has more utility and tends to be used a lot. Personally, I don't use him, because to me all he has is a stun. I am dead serious when I say that he is the weakest toon in terms of offense.

    Having RG and having him geared up for Arena are two different things. If you read Anakinfan27 note, he has not mentioned about RG. And if I remember correctly, RG is the toon you get by default when you start the game, so everyone has him. But if you have him stared up or geared up, that is different.

    Toons like Barris, RG have different utility. They are not for offense. But if you like, you can add Mods to enhance their offense and speed.

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