Why are there no SW: Rebels characters?


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    Does the rebel series plan on portraying Thrawn accurately? If so, I want the Noghri (SP?) with him...
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    Im hoping they do. They are billing him as newly promoted to GA so maybe we'll see them introduced as he "finds" and enlists them. Would also like so see some Ysalamir.
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    What Star Wars anything doesn't start light hearted and get way darker as it goes on? GIVE REBELS A CHANCE. I totally thought the start was kiddy and lost interest too. Picked it up again when I heard about Thrawn in Season 3 and am really glad I did. The first Vader vs Kanan and Ezra fight is maybe the most badass Vader has ever got to look on screen and the last 3 episode of Season 2 are totally awesome. A bunch of fun Lando appearances throughout the series too. Season 3 is starting out pretty great with a very dark tone too. If you really can't deal with the light heartedness of the early episodes just skip to the last 3 episodes of Season 1 and go from there.

    Seriously this is so badass:
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    I agree i want thrawn and season 2 last episodes were so cool
    where is darth jar jar?
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    I get that Adding Rebels characters is polarizing for the community, but honestly so is any and all adds they come up with. For every B2 or Sun Fac, top flight toons mind you, there's gonna be someone complaining that it wasn't Jedi Knight Luke. For me, games like this only continue hold up if there's diversity. If all we ever got was the most popular and well recognized characters, I'd be bored silly.

    Adding new toons needs to be about buffing up a factions weaknesses (palp), adding an entirely new faction (separatists if we get any more), or expanding gameplay in general (pilots). If they can tip their hat to fan frenzy (again, palp) that's a huge bonus.

    I'd love to see SW Rebels toons in the game. But not if all they end up being is re skinned clones.
    - R.I.P. Carrie Fisher -
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    Dantefire wrote: »
    I get that Adding Rebels characters is polarizing for the community, but honestly so is any and all adds they come up with. For every B2 or Sun Fac, top flight toons mind you, there's gonna be someone complaining that it wasn't Jedi Knight Luke. For me, games like this only continue hold up if there's diversity. If all we ever got was the most popular and well recognized characters, I'd be bored silly.

    Adding new toons needs to be about buffing up a factions weaknesses (palp), adding an entirely new faction (separatists if we get any more), or expanding gameplay in general (pilots). If they can tip their hat to fan frenzy (again, palp) that's a huge bonus.

    I'd love to see SW Rebels toons in the game. But not if all they end up being is re skinned clones.

    So they should add Darth Revan, Darth Nihilus and people like that.
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    What Star Wars anything doesn't start light hearted and get way darker as it goes on? GIVE REBELS A CHANCE. I totally thought the start was kiddy and lost interest too. Picked it up again when I heard about Thrawn in Season 3 and am really glad I did. The first Vader vs Kanan and Ezra fight is maybe the most badass Vader has ever got to look on screen and the last 3 episode of Season 2 are totally awesome. A bunch of fun Lando appearances throughout the series too. Season 3 is starting out pretty great with a very dark tone too. If you really can't deal with the light heartedness of the early episodes just skip to the last 3 episodes of Season 1 and go from there.

    Seriously this is so badass:

    Those last three episodes are amazing indeed. But their weight is drastically diminished if you hadn't followed Clone Wars all the way through. Just my opinion. I still have trouble buying into the hate for both the animated series'. They grow up with the characters, introduce great plot lines, CW really helps paint in the backstory of Ani and Padme's relationship, and Rebels is painting the backstory for the future of the movie line.
    - R.I.P. Carrie Fisher -
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    Tronixi wrote: »
    I would rather see all original saga trilogy chars all added and then new episode + rogue one chars than some animated movie toons. I dont even watch that sw rebels, its just too childish for my taste to take it seriously.

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    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Tronixi wrote: »
    I would rather see all original saga trilogy chars all added and then new episode + rogue one chars than some animated movie toons. I dont even watch that sw rebels, its just too childish for my taste to take it seriously.


    Not this lol i don't mind any new characters unless it's Jar Jar.

    But i like the Star Wars Rebels show.
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    I wouldn't expect for awhile until the show life starts to end and with rogue 1 coming out soon they will be released way before rebels. I like the show but I wouldn't expect any until season 4 or season 3 final.
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    Aero wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Animated cable TV show aimed at a niche market.

    Cad Bane
    Asajj Ventress and 4 other Nightsisters
    Savage Oppress
    Fives, Rex, Echo

    10 characters right there introduced originally in Clone Wars, a cable TV show aimed at a niche market (arguably more niche since it was before the Disney purchase that brought new life to the franchise).

    Asajj Ventress has existed as a character for a very long time. I didn't just look it up... so it's possible I'm wrong... but I'm fairly certain she existed long before those cartoons. She's even in SW: Battlefront 2, and that game is from about 2004. Her character dates back to the 90s most likely.
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    Teague wrote: »
    Aero wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Animated cable TV show aimed at a niche market.

    Cad Bane
    Asajj Ventress and 4 other Nightsisters
    Savage Oppress
    Fives, Rex, Echo

    10 characters right there introduced originally in Clone Wars, a cable TV show aimed at a niche market (arguably more niche since it was before the Disney purchase that brought new life to the franchise).

    Asajj Ventress has existed as a character for a very long time. I didn't just look it up... so it's possible I'm wrong... but I'm fairly certain she existed long before those cartoons. She's even in SW: Battlefront 2, and that game is from about 2004. Her character dates back to the 90s most likely.

    Ok... so I just looked it up.

    Apparently she was created in 2003 for a series of cartoon/commercials that were only about 2 minutes each, and aired on Cartoon Network. This does technically predate the Clone Wars official cartoon. It also has very different art style. The creator of Samurai Jack was the producer.

    Interesting stuff, as I've always assumed she originated in the old EU books.
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    same here the old eu stuff was big and I only knew some of it
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    Because that show isn't as good as most of the other material they have to draw from. There are better characters to add first.
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    I'm not a fan of rebels or clone wars. Just for the fact it's childish and I hate that they do that to star wars, but I do enjoy the characters from the show that they brought over like cad bane, Rex, echo etc. I dont like the idea of a kid with a slingshot that rivals a blaster but who knows, could be good

    Actually the CW series was pretty good. I skipped some episodes (like the C3PO and R2-D2 ones) because they were childish and boring. But some episodes (like the ones with Krell) have very dark, adult themes. Worth watching for sure, but don't hesitate to skip the boring droid episodes as well as some of the Padme diplomacy-only ones.
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    Because that show isn't as good as most of the other material they have to draw from. There are better characters to add first.

    Everyone is going to have a different opinion on which characters are "better". There are folks in this thread saying that Sand troopers are better choices than Sabine? Or Kannan? I'd much rather a newer, canonical named character be added than another trooper, geonosian, or ewok.
    - R.I.P. Carrie Fisher -
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    Tronixi wrote: »
    I would rather see all original saga trilogy chars all added and then new episode + rogue one chars than some animated movie toons. I dont even watch that sw rebels, its just too childish for my taste to take it seriously.

    According to George the entire story is a children's story, so... *shrugs*
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    I'd love to have some rebels characters. I never read the books or comic books or watched clone wars so half the characters I only know via this game.

    My kids (4 and 6 years old) love darth Vader, darth maul and Ahsoka Tano. They lost their "stuff" in that last series of rebels when they all appears in the same episode.

    Rebels is a great introduction to star wars for them. I quite enjoy watching it with them. I thought Ezra's joint blaster and lightsaber was quite cool. It was something new. People only hate it because Disney came up with it. Give any jedi some duct tape and they could make their own.
  • Carbonari
    676 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Rebels is easily the closest any film/show has come to capturing the feeling of watching the original Star Wars. The character designs are largely based on Ralph McQuarrie concept art or based on existing characters. Zeb was based on the original Chewie art, Chopper the original R2 concept, etc.
    There are story elements from "Starkiller" Second Draft. It's really an homage to the early spirit of Star Wars and a treat for SW fans and historians, more-so than the casual fan, but like the best Star Wars stories can be enjoyed by anyone. There are plenty of easter-eggs for those who have read the EU stuff (which is no longer canon, unlike Rebels), and even they are bringing Thrawn into continuity.

    The marketing of the show is targeted towards kids...but the S2 finale and last week's premiere were as mature as CW at its darkest. Season one is pretty silly, but once it picks up steam, it really is excellent.
    CW had the uphill battle of making the Clone Wars look interesting, where the movie failed, and filling-in the history around the prequels, and making Anakin actually look like a powerful Jedi, not just a whiny heel.

    Any new characters are welcome in-game.
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    All of this is fine and dandy, but aren't we like a month overdue for a new Arodeum pack?
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    A good reason they might not be added yet is rebels are the big team right now. so if you add the ghost crew even excluding chopper is 5 new rebels and 2 Jedi to the already two largest synergies in the game and you could potentially counter this by added the empire in the show like kallus, thrawn and the inquisitors but then that's 11 (4 inquisitors total) characters from a source as this thread is proving a good chunk of people don't even like
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    Most average star wars fans don't care at all about rebels. I know there are a bunch of random no-names, but people accept as generic. Even if you still don't know about the clones, and the jedi, they are still cool characters. Most people don't want to see ezra in arena. People want to farm characters that are cool, like clones. And past Season 2, clone wars absolutely blows rebels out of the water. But rebels isn't starting on its own. It builds on clone wars, so they should of learned the lessons about the bad seasons of clone wars. The vader vs. ahsoka was cool and all, but the main reason was because of their history in the clone wars. Also, most people wouldn't want rebels to be significant, because they don't want a bunch of random characters to start the beloved rebellion from the OT. People also want the only main jedi to be Obi wan and Yoda in the OT, not some blind guy and a kid. There are much more important characters to release, and I'm not crying out ones like R2, Luke, or General Kenobi, because they will have their time in an event. /rant
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    Carbonari wrote: »
    Rebels is easily the closest any film/show has come to capturing the feeling of watching the original Star Wars. The character designs are largely based on Ralph McQuarrie concept art or based on existing characters. Zeb was based on the original Chewie art, Chopper the original R2 concept, etc.
    There are story elements from "Starkiller" Second Draft. It's really an homage to the early spirit of Star Wars and a treat for SW fans and historians, more-so than the casual fan, but like the best Star Wars stories can be enjoyed by anyone. There are plenty of easter-eggs for those who have read the EU stuff (which is no longer canon, unlike Rebels), and even they are bringing Thrawn into continuity.

    The marketing of the show is targeted towards kids...but the S2 finale and last week's premiere were as mature as CW at its darkest. Season one is pretty silly, but once it picks up steam, it really is excellent.
    CW had the uphill battle of making the Clone Wars look interesting, where the movie failed, and filling-in the history around the prequels, and making Anakin actually look like a powerful Jedi, not just a whiny heel.

    Any new characters are welcome in-game.

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    Tronixi wrote: »
    I would rather see all original saga trilogy chars all added and then new episode + rogue one chars than some animated movie toons. I dont even watch that sw rebels, its just too childish for my taste to take it seriously.

    Well that just shows that you didn't watch them. If you truly believe CW and Rebels are childish, you need to restructure your perception of the word 'childish'.
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    I'm giving away my age, but I like rebels because the style is like Ralph Mcquary's original concept art for Star Wars. I also like some of the vintage toy call outs like the imperial troop transport and blue snaggletooth.
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    irafreak wrote: »
    Does the rebel series plan on portraying Thrawn accurately? If so, I want the Noghri (SP?) with him...

    Well...there is a NEW Thrawn booking by the original writer (Tim Zhan) coming out early next year (April 2017 ). He has been quoted saying that this new book and the Rebels version of Thrawn draw from the old books...but...not everything...
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    Star Wars Rebels is somewhat controversial to some Star Wars fans and ill-received by some, while this negativity may be diminishing over time, Star Wars Rebels would not likely be their top priority.

    Pretty sure that they ARE currently working on Star Wars Rebels characters, anyways.

    If you don't like Star Wars Rebels then just leave! The real star wars fans don't want you here anymore.
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    I'm not a fan of rebels or clone wars. Just for the fact it's childish and I hate that they do that to star wars, but I do enjoy the characters from the show that they brought over like cad bane, Rex, echo etc. I dont like the idea of a kid with a slingshot that rivals a blaster but who knows, could be good

    Wow! Give it a chance! You watched the prequels right? Imagine a star wars series about 1000x better than that!
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Aero wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Animated cable TV show aimed at a niche market.

    Cad Bane
    Asajj Ventress and 4 other Nightsisters
    Savage Oppress
    Fives, Rex, Echo

    10 characters right there introduced originally in Clone Wars, a cable TV show aimed at a niche market (arguably more niche since it was before the Disney purchase that brought new life to the franchise).

    Funny thing is, I never watched either series, but had heard of all of the characters you mentioned (except the Clones and the specific NS apart from Ventress).

    I have never heard of any of the characters from Rebels.

    I am simply suggesting that Rebel characters don't have enough exposure to justify putting them in the game at this point.

    Who cares about exposure! If it's about exposure then why did they add Tuscan shaman and chief never and other characters that have never seen the light or day
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Tronixi wrote: »
    I would rather see all original saga trilogy chars all added and then new episode + rogue one chars than some animated movie toons. I dont even watch that sw rebels, its just too childish for my taste to take it seriously.

    Pretty much this.

    If you're trying to attract/appease a high number of gamers (some more casual than others), sticking with characters that most have heard of - like those in movies with a ton of exposure versus those in an animated cable TV series - seems to make the most sense.

    Note: the above has nothing to do with "not liking" or "show being childish" - it's all about marketing.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

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    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
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