2 lvl 80's looking for a guild (25+ 7* toons)

24 posts Member
Myself and a buddy tried our hand at starting our own guild but recruiting was more trouble than it was worth. We are looking to join a t5/t6 guild that we can contribute to and make better. we are not interested in hardcore t7 guild with a bunch of requirements and rules. We both contribute daily and have very competitive squads. Just want a guild that has an active chat, raids regularly, and won't be on our case about anything.

152-489-317 Mand'alor
825-823-246 SenorObiiJuann


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    I think we are your guys! We are 30 strong and regularly complete T6 and t5 raids. We have also been having trouble with recruiting, and I even left the guild to facilitate a guild merge with 15-20 member gulds to no avail. Our rules are really none. We just want everyone to enjoy and try to be active.

    If you are interested, ally with me at 321-514-789.
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    I think we are your guys! We are 30 strong and regularly complete T6 and t5 raids. We have also been having trouble with recruiting, and I even left the guild to facilitate a guild merge with 15-20 member gulds to no avail. Our rules are really none. We just want everyone to enjoy and try to be active.

    If you are interested, ally with me at 321-514-789.[/quote

    I sent an invite let me know if you have it
  • Mand
    24 posts Member
    I don't have the invite yet. I sent you one.
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    no we have to send him one lol
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    We are an ope guild, so you should be able to just join through the guild "join ally guild" setup. I see you have allied with me, but I can't seem to send a guild invite. Because we are an open guild? Not sure.
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    Oh, maybe I have not been given officer status since my return. I'll check it out.
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    Our leader is away on business, and officers can't create officers, but check your guild tabs. There should be one that allows you to join ally guilds.
  • Mand
    24 posts Member
    There's not I just looked. We have to be invited.
  • Vengence
    1117 posts Member
    KøR DiS is looking for people we are currently 43/50 T7 3x week only requirement is 600 coins and line app

    We have a family of guilds
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    Try allying with 354-137-762. He's an officer currently.
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    I'll give them your ids to look you up.
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    Hi, I can take a look to see if you meet our requirements. If you want to check out our guild thread below (over 1.9k views,) you might be a good fit. We're an elite guild and we run t7s every other day. Currently tied for 14th on the leaderboard. It's a really great group of people, we share a lot of information and we have very few rules, we run on honor system, and everyone gets Han Solo shards. We're always at 50 members and only replace when needed, usually related to not making the 600 daily energy requirements and daily guild activities. Our goal is for both the player and our guild to be happy with moving to our guild. We're looking for players who are going to be with us for the long haul. Let me know what you think and I'd be happy to answer any questions. Regarding the won't be on your case for anything, haha, as long as you make the 600 daily energy requirement and daily guild activities (which is normal for any guild, you should be ok.) Do you want to discuss of message? Thx!


    Guild leader: musashi
    Ally Code: 935-752-382
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    Sorry for the trouble. I forgot I wouldn't be an officer when I rejoined. The guild is QuiGonJin on the ****.
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    Weird filter. QuiGonJin on the Rocks (with a z not an s).
  • Mand
    24 posts Member
    sent your office an ally invite
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    Alright! See you soon.
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    Oops. In an effort to see if I could make this easier for you, I dropped out of the guild to see how I rejoined without an invite, and apparently I now have to wait until tomorrow to join a guild again. Well, when you get the invite and join, I catch up with you tomorrow. LOL
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    What I did see is that on the Ally Guilds tab, find my name, click on it, and then click the JOIN button on the bottom left.
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    But, since I am not part of a guild now until tomorrow, that clearly won't work.
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    Sent you a PM, I hope you consider us!
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    Just sent you a PM
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