Content for future updates

Name Laviscious, Guild Vindicta,

1. Menus - we would like the ability to have more options with the character menus we use in evolving our character : these new menus will save time and help us prepare for events by looking up specific characters/teams.
Existing = all, Lvl, power, health, rarity
New menus = Class( sith or Jedi only), gear( highest - lowest),stars (high - low),
Custom(able to save a custom team to this menu (eg raid team),cantina characters only, raid characters only, galactic war only, pvp only.

2. Please include some new guild icon symbols x30 ( at least ) a guild can be identified by this and being an individual is part of this.

3. Please please please allow everybody to choose their own ally picture this simple ability makes the SWGOH experience to be on a more personal level - including a large amount (nearly all star wars characters) if this is implemented you would be able to use the statistics to see what are the more popular characters to release win win if u ask me oh that's right I'm asking you please.

4. I think all character special abilities Need To Be More Awesome ALOT I think the special abilities are underwelming and just don't have the look of a special ability they need to be amazing with dirt flying and kaboom banging as well as speed defying slashing some slow motion would not go astray I say this to the developer team "is that the best you got ?". Give me some wow factor please.

5. Can you release some new classes such as pirate & smuggler & assasins & any other classes I have missed we need a new variety to play against.

6. Please include the following teams Wookie x4, Gungdan x5, Malorian x4, Jabba the Hutt x 5(mixed team) Storm trooper x3, Ithorian x 5
(the x stands for approximate amount of characters that need to be added)

7. Please allow us to choose what colour our lightsaber's can be it is only superficial right this is a more personal choice to every player.

8. please add more characters to the Glactic war store.

9. Allow characters to force charge their weapons by passing a turn to charge weapon to use this ability and make it look strong , fast and simply awesome.

10. New characters- Bossk, Twi'lek incinerator, Dowutin Hunter, Johnar kesson,

11. Developers need to create an Event Calender for all outgoing information to the public allowing them to be updated clearly with the correct dates /times and new or updated information on events / new content / raid info / upcoming characters and all relevant SWGOH content . Please initiate this idea asap I think your loyal fans deserve the best and most awesomeness.

12. Please increase the amount of daily credit heist event like fights, more omega events and are looking forward to the new trading droid event!

13. The last hologram mod box should b used for ability pad upgrades -
(10x green = 1 blue) - ( 10x blue = 1 purple) - (20x purple = 1 omega)

Thank you for reading my ideas and (hope) to see atleast some of them implemented in the near future and not a long long time a go in a galaxy far far away would be preferable thanks again I hope this makes into the hands of a developer.



  • Options
    My thoughts on this
    1. Rarity is stars high to low
    3. Not choose their own ally picture but choose what character to use
    4. Too much new animating
    7. What light saber
    8. They will eventually
    9. That sounds like a special ability to give offense up for that character
    10. These are from Star Wars commander
    The rest are good
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