Tie Fighter's Union recruiting (31/50) for Tier V

33 posts Member
edited September 2016
We're building our guild to 50 members.

We will be doing lots of T V, possibly TIV.

Any level above 45 is fine.
Post edited by Mighty on


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    We still need more members. We need 50 members who contribute daily or bi-daily so we can do TV raids on a normal basis. Depending on how much the guild advanced soon we'll do TVI.

    Sign up and be part of the Tie Fighters Union.
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    Allright, we got a few more people added. Let's get to 50 and take the rancor down!
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    Okay, I kicked out some people that haven't logged for a while, so kind of cleansed my guild. Now we're mainly active people. Need 19 more people. I want to do t6 as soon as we get to 50.

    My Ally code is 582-743-428
    I am Pacific Standard Time
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    Hey...skip T6, it's way too hard and the rewards are pretty horrible. T7 is where it's at. I might have an interesting proposition for you. I'm in a top 200 raid guild. We are trying to divide into 2 groups. To do that we need about 20-30 people to divide into the 2 groups so we can still earn maximum guild coins. We do 3 T7 a week. The last place prize is much better than the 1st place prize on T6.
    You need to have LINE app (it's free)
    Contact me at noraattesrod71.
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    I would to TVII except apparently I don't have the power yet. The only Gear V9 toons I have is Teebo and Elder, I sure have a lot of Gear 8 toons though. And my current level is 75. I have abouot 8 7* toons. Is that good enough for TVII?

    And since I've never done T VII, it's unlimited tries right. So if the Rancor eats your Teebo does it matter? I know Tier VII is different so I would need to also understand the rules and how it works. :)
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    We have expanded into a second guild and could accommodate your entire team to join us. We have a great mix of daily dedicated players & would love to have you.

    You can add me on the LINE app @ aria.coulson & we can work out the details.

    Hope to hear from you soon! :)
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