Confirmation on power effecting GW



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    Saraleb wrote: »
    I know there has been lots on this topic but was looking for confirmation so dont make things harder for myself

    Currently my arena team is 35.5k.. however i can put up a team of 37.6k... if i was to do this for 1 arena battle would this give me the easy node 12 ? I can generally finish gw most days anyways but anything for an easier life for those days it takes a few teams to beat final node...


    Yes, i'm not sure if it would take a day to settle in (as in might not change that day but the next) but yes.
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    Once i got to 37,000 i have been getting the easy node 12. Even though i want to change my Arena Team i wont do it unless my team can stay above 37,000.
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    leef wrote: »
    Clanomadd wrote: »
    Yes, I rearranged mods when EP came out and my max arena power (as shown in the guild screen) dropped from 42.3k to 41.8k and I went from a freebie on 9,11, and 12 to freebies only on 11 and 12.

    shut the front door, you had an easy node 9 !??

    Yes, for about 1 month I had easy node 9. That was back when I was running Old Ben lead and was using my (almost) top five toons in the arena (Old Ben, QGJ, GS, STH, RG). Since EP came out I am no longer using my top toons, and I stripped many of their mods and game them to my new arena team, dropping my top 5 power by about 500. At that point I stopped getting the easy node 9. Check with your guild and see if anyone has power in the 42+ range and see if any have an easy node 9.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    StarSon wrote: »
    So you guys tracked by top 5. But wouldn't you get similar results with arena team? The % would be different, the curve should be about the same. And it would be just as consistent.

    (For the record I don't think it's just top 5 or just arena)

    Edit: after typing that I thought about it some more, and I suppose it would only be consistent of you also updated your arena teams. To find out for sure one would have to track top 5 power, arena power, and opponent power, then compare each of the latter to opp?

    @StarSon I also tracked my arena power versus GW difficulty. I used a very haphazard team that consisted of my five lowest power toons (basically) which I was consantly improving. Tracking GW power versus my arena power did not result in any consistent pattern. Therefore my conclusion is there is no relationship between Arena power and GW difficulty.

    Is it possible it was based on highest arena team used or average arena power? This would prevent ppl from dropping in low power teams to effect GW. Kinda thinking you looked at this if you had the data but figured I'd ask.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    So you guys tracked by top 5. But wouldn't you get similar results with arena team? The % would be different, the curve should be about the same. And it would be just as consistent.

    (For the record I don't think it's just top 5 or just arena)

    Edit: after typing that I thought about it some more, and I suppose it would only be consistent of you also updated your arena teams. To find out for sure one would have to track top 5 power, arena power, and opponent power, then compare each of the latter to opp?

    @StarSon I also tracked my arena power versus GW difficulty. I used a very haphazard team that consisted of my five lowest power toons (basically) which I was consantly improving. Tracking GW power versus my arena power did not result in any consistent pattern. Therefore my conclusion is there is no relationship between Arena power and GW difficulty.

    Good to know. Was your Arena team that you were tracking against always your arena team? One of the most repeated theories is that it uses your max arena power, not your current.
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    So you guys tracked by top 5. But wouldn't you get similar results with arena team? The % would be different, the curve should be about the same. And it would be just as consistent.

    (For the record I don't think it's just top 5 or just arena)

    Edit: after typing that I thought about it some more, and I suppose it would only be consistent of you also updated your arena teams. To find out for sure one would have to track top 5 power, arena power, and opponent power, then compare each of the latter to opp?

    @StarSon I also tracked my arena power versus GW difficulty. I used a very haphazard team that consisted of my five lowest power toons (basically) which I was consantly improving. Tracking GW power versus my arena power did not result in any consistent pattern. Therefore my conclusion is there is no relationship between Arena power and GW difficulty.

    Is it possible it was based on highest arena team used or average arena power? This would prevent ppl from dropping in low power teams to effect GW. Kinda thinking you looked at this if you had the data but figured I'd ask.

    @SnakePliskin920 Basically what he said.
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    My arena team that I was tracking was always my current team and the one with the highest power win. Before the raid update is was possible to sandbag in Arena so that GW was easy. I got in the habit of running a super low power team. When raids came out, they also changed how match making was completed from highest power win to the five highest power characters. John Salera said there was no change but it was very obvious to those of us who had easy GW pre-raid. I kept running low power Arena teams until recently. I've been farming ST Han and I wanted to speed up that process a little. I've moved up from 2500 to about 1000 and snag an extra 100 arena tokens every couple of days. I run ewoks though and my power is about 4-6K lower then everybody else around me so I am an easy target. I only hope that I take a person or two by surprise when they see how many turns those little fuzz balls can get!
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    Not been on forums in a couple days but..... 37,987 top 5 team (which I also tried in arena) still a hard node 12...

    I can usually beat it anyways but nice for times I cant
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    This hasn't been addressed that I saw, but how does something effect anything? Surely it affects it?
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