Mods Vs Heroes


This morning Lando finally reached 7 stars. As my player level is 77 (hit this morning too) i'm not intend to use it for now because he's only gear 9 and I can not buy your AOE skill omega. I completed all the battles of cantina level 7. So now I can farm JKA (from zero) or RG (missing 2 stars).

I never cared about having super perfect mods. My heroes have decent mods and keep me on top 30-20 every day. However, I have now thought if I spend all my energy on mods to achieve perfection with the heroes who already have, or should I continue farming new heroes to increase my options in compositions, more events, challenges of mods etc.

The truth is that: Mods are competing with farm of new heroes. Get a perfect mod is like playing the lottery and the game becomes very boring.

What is your opinion? Mods for perfection or more heroes?


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