
Teebo has been coming out of stealth early for weeks. The description states he stealths for 3 turns. Most times he falls out if stealth after the first turn. I have seen several complaints in the forums about this issue for weeks and nothing has been done. Why?!?!?


  • War
    932 posts Member
    I don't know how to do any fancy links or proper quoting so I just copy/pasted their response from Community Update - 8/5/2016

    When are you going to fix Teebo?

    We attempted to put a fix in for Teebo a while back, but it instead introduced new bugs for the character. The bug fix required for Teebo goes deeper than the character himself, it involves the stealth mechanic which affects all stealth characters. The game team is still working on the fix for this and it will be ready in a future update.

    So basically they need to be very careful and take the time to do it proper otherwise all stealth characters could become bugged by them trying to fix one character.
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