Thanks for the compensation!!



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    Leeallan wrote: »
    Anyone know why the compensation was different for different players? I got cantina currency, but a guy in my guild got cantina, arena, guild, and GW currency from EA?

    I got the same as your guild member. I think there was two messages in the inbox? Not sure, though.

    On topic, thanks devs! Like others have pointed out, EA has been on a home run!
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    a thanks to you at ea. your compensation was on par for a day without play . and this system went on very well with the members of my guild. so all relay a thanks from them as well. defiantly stopped a large wave of complaints
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    Well done on compensation, it really hit the areas we missed.
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    I actually squeed when I saw EVERYTHING we got, including the ton of Arena Tokens. Thanks for knocking a couple days off my quest to star up Ackbar! Now if somehow 85 Palpatine Tokens showed up....I'd probably have a coronary.
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    Lmao why r u thanking them? The compensation is based on players like me. Who couldn t do pvp and get my ussual +1 who missed out on doing gw and a small bonus from them
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    Thanks for the compensation guys
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    It was all awesome seriously thank you for what you did.
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    Thank you very much EA and sorry you had to deal with all the cry babies complaining about how life's so hard on them when they missed rank 1 on arena just because a game went down for a few hours.
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    Done with my daily stuff, rdy for a new "server down" + compensation round :)
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