Purple Crystal Heist anyone?

Been playing for a good 5 months now and haven't missed a single day. Loving all the ups and downs, updates, downdates, mods, change to mods, raids, guilds, characters and so on and so forth. The last update for the Credit and Droid heist was SPECTACULAR! Much love to the devs for all their hard work (and I don't just talk the talk, I've spent mad cash both being addicted and wanting to support the devs)!

So now, if I may dare push the awesomeness of this game a little further with a purple crystal heist? It could be tiered with rewards of 25, 50, 75 and 100 purple crystals. (for levels 30+, 50+, 70+, 80+ respectively) What do you guys think? Suggestions? I'd just fall harder in love with the game if this came out!


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