Manual Battling of NODES (ally token reward display)

221 posts Member
edited September 2016
Not sure if his has been suggested before as a feedback, but I'll throw this in there. OR maybe this is a bug.

Whenever you battle manually (not using sims), and you use an ally support that gives you the 20+ ally tokens.

It should show up in the rewards box when you complete the battle.

Currently it does not. Maybe this is a bug. But it definitely is credited to you.
I checked. It does credit you.

Whenever you sim a battle, only 10+ tokens show up. Manually doing the battle. the 20+ token doesn't show up at all. (not even 10.)

This is ALSO the case when you do challenges daily. manual battle versus sim battles.

Shows up as 10 for sims. but NOTHING when doing manual battles.
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