181st Imperial Fighter Wing is recruiting a few good pilots. Heroic raids, discord chat!

117 posts Member
edited November 2016
Are you active, love the game & want to find like-minded guildies? The 181st Imperial Fighter Wing is recruiting heroes who want to be a part of a laid-back-yet-lively, friendly, fun, mature bunch.

We have a great mix of new, seasoned & in-between players, and make it a point to mentor those still building their rosters. (Noobish? No problem! Don't be shy, we love to help!)

So whether you're looking for a guild to level up & grow with, or max level players to nerd out about end-game strategy with, the 181st is for you!

(Fun fact: the 181st Imperial is the fighter wing that goes head to head against Rogue Squadron. If you already knew that, this is definitely the guild for you! If you didn't, look forward to learning new & exciting SW trivia.)

We currently run heroic rancor raids, Guild reset is 8:30pm US Eastern. All of us are expected to chip in our 600 coins a day and throw down for guild activities as best we can.

We also use discord to coordinate raids because in game chat is buggy. It's easy to set up, and a fun group to boot!

Ally me in-game or DM for an invite! (Ally code 747-566-155)
Post edited by marydare on


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